Chapter 4

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Hello fellow mortals! I bet you weren't expecting a chapter today, but I was bored so here it is. I know I've never done an A/N at the beginning of a chapter, but bare with me. There will be a few POV changes throughout this chapter. Also, it's probably the least useless chapter in the book. See you at the end of this chapter. On with the story!


~~Nagisa's POV~~ 

I got ready for school. It's been a few days since the midterms. We got our results back yesterday. My mother had naturally beaten me because of my score. I still had a minor headache from that. I knew mother went to work early, so I didn't have to worry about her right now. I sighed and headed for school. 

I smiled when I saw Karma-kun waiting for me at the gates of our apartment. 

"You didn't have to wait for me." I told him.

"But I wanted to." He said with a pout. He's kind of  cute when he does that. Arg! What was I thinking? Karma-kun is absolutely not cute in any sort of way. He interrupted my thoughts. "Hey, did you hear that Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun had to stay after class yesterday?" 

"Really? For what?" This was the first time I heard about this. 

"Oh, something about the test."

Before we knew it, we were at school. We walked in and saw Korosensei pink. 

"Hey Korosensei!" Karma-kun and I said at the same time. 

Korosensei looked surprised to see us. "Well, hello Nagisa-kun. It's a surprise to see you this early Karma-kun."

"What's with the pink face earlier, Korosensei?" Karma-kun asked.

Korosensei smile grew wider. "Oh, you'll see."


~~Third-Person POV~~

"Okay class. Now that we have finished roll call, we must be discussing some other matters." Korosensei said, sounding serious. He paused a moment before saying, "We are going to be discussing the subject of soulmates." The entire class stared at him. 

"Excuse me, what?" The whole class yelled at his face. 

"Who has heard the concept of soulmates?" 

Okajima-kun raised his hand and spoke. "So, according to some legends, if you and your soulmate fall in love with each other before you're both 17, you can telepathically communicate with each other. If one of you fall out of love, or cheat on your partner, the connection will break, but if you can still find that connection if you fall back in love, or give up the other relationship within a year. You can only do that twice before it permanently falls apart, and you lose that connection forever. Also, you can't communicate if you guys aren't in the same country. You can only hear their thoughts, you can't see what they see, see their memories or experience what they are experiencing."

The class stayed silent for a few seconds. Then the class erupted with chatter. Minmura-kun turned and looked at Okajima-kun. "How the heck did you know all that?"

"Oh, as a pervert, there are certain things you have to know." Okajima-kun replied.


~~Karma's POV~~

I looked around while everyone started talking and saw Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun looking very surprised at this reveal. It kinda looked suspicious. They had wide eyes, open mouths and kept looking at each other. They weren't talking, just sitting there. 

I thought back to what I had heard. They had to stay behind yesterday. Hmmm. I wonder if that has anything to do with this topic. Kurahashi-san raised her hand. "Korosensei, why are we discussing this topic? What does it have to do with anything?" The whole class, except me,  nodded. 

Korosensei turned pink and did his weird laugh. "That's for you to find out, children. Now, the lessons aren't going teach themselves, hm?"


~~Maehara's POV~~

It was after school and Yuma had gone to work. It still feels weird calling him by his first name. I thought back to a few days ago. When this had first started.


It had been a normal school day. We were having biology and reviewing what we had learned. There had been a week before midterms. I glanced sideways at Isogai, my crush. I sighed. There was this new girl I was dating, but there was still no love connection. I had only dated girls because that was what my parents expected of me. (Maehara's parents didn't approve gays. They were very traditional.) 

I hate Biology.

I know, right?

I didn't realize at that moment someone was talking inside my brain.

"What!?" Isogai said out loud. Korosensei turned and looked at him. "Is there something wrong, Isogai-kun?" Isogai shook his head. "No, Korosensei. Nothing's wrong."

So, you're Isogai-kun, right?

Of course. Why else would I say 'what' super loudly in the middle of class?

{End of Flashback}

I smiled at that memory. We didn't know what was going on then, but we never thought too much of it. 

Then, the midterms rolled around. We were good at different subjects, so we kind of shared answers. Not on purpose anyway. Then, yesterday, Karasuma-sensei held us back from class to talk with us. Well, just me, actually. Isogai had work, so Karasuma-sensei told me to pass on the message. He told me that me and Isogai had the exact same things wrong. Down to the very last detail. Then, I told him what had happened and he said that he would talk it over with Korosensei. What Okajima-kun told us made me think. Isogai and I were soulmates? It was very weird to think about. My thoughts didn't linger on it for long. I had to get packing for the Kyoto trip in a few days. 



Hi people! Thank you for placing me 24 in karmagisa! It's a huge accomplishment and I feel super proud. Thanks for reading this story and getting me this far. I couldn't have done it with out you.

I just realized that reading this chapter, I feel like it's more of a Isohara story than a Karmagisa story. I promise (hopefully) that there will be more Karmagisa in future chapters. To recap, the 'rules' of telepathic communications are:

1. You can telepathically communicate with your partner if you both fall in love with each other before the age of 17.

2. If one of them fall out of love or cheat on the other, the connection will break. You can reconnect if you fall back in love, or give up other romantic relationships within one year of it happening. You can only break the connection three times before permanently breaking that connection. 

3. If they aren't in the same country, the connection will falter and you won't be able to communicate with the other person until you are both in the same country. Since the connection only falters, the connections never breaks, so you can travel alone as much as you want.

4. They can only hear thoughts. It's similar to that voice inside your head, except that voice belongs to someone else. They can't see what the other is seeing, view the other's memories or experience what they are experiencing.  

 This is a really long A/N. Guess I'm kinda boring you. See you in the next chapter. Bye!

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