Chapter 5

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Another A/N in the beginning of a chapter! So they're going on a trip to Kyoto. Yay! I'm writing this in two parts. A lot of time skips because your author's lazy. On with the story...

~~Nagisa's POV~~

We were going to Kyoto! Mr. Karasuma told us earlier that there were snipers all over the town to try to lure Korosensei there. We would be traveling in groups of 6. Kayano-chan, Sugino-kun and I were a group. I looked at Karma-kun. 

"Hey Karma-kun, want to be in my group?" 

He looked back and smiled at me. "Yeah, okay." He walked towards us.

Sugino-kun looked hesitant. "You sure about that, Karma-kun? You won't be pickin' up fights and gettin' into trouble on our trip, right?"

Karma-kun smiled, his horns and tail becoming visible. "No sweat. When I fight offsite, I make sure to silence any witnesses. The whole thing stays hush-hush."

Sugino-kun leaned towards me. "C'mon. You can't let him in our group."

I sighed. "But we are old friends."

Karma-kun leaned in as well. "Where's our forth? Nagisa-kun, Sugino-kun, Kayano-chan, and..."

Kayano-chan smiled. "Oh, I invited Okuda-chan!" 

"We need six, Shouldn't our last member be a girl?" Karma-kun said, looking right at me.

"I knew this time would come. I asked her a long time ago. How 'bout the class idol, Kanzaki-san?" Sugino-kun asked, blushing. By his expression, I could tell someone has a little crush. 

Korosensei appeared at the front of the room with stacks of really thick books. They looked like dictionaries. "One for each of you!" 

"What are they?" Isogai-kun asked.

"School trip guide books." He said, passing one to each of us at his top speed. 


We were on the bullet train to Kyoto.  Karasuma-sensei had told Bitch-sensei to go change into less revealing clothes and Bitch-sensei being sad was an understatement.  Soon, we arrived to Kyoto and our hotel. There were three rooms. The room the teachers stayed in, the room the guys stayed in and the room the girls stayed in. We went to sleep, dreaming about the day coming ahead.


We were walking to a dark alley. This is where we had planted a sniper to kill Korosensei. We were just talking when out of nowhere, a bunch of high school guys showed up. "Why are ya walkin' 'round somewhere that's ripe for kidnappin'?" One of the guys said. Just as he finished, Karma-kun punched him in the face. Suddenly another guy showed up and punched Karma-kun.

"Karma-kun!" I yelled.

They kept fighting, but one by one, we got knocked out.


I woke up with a start. Beside me, Kanzaki-san and Kayano-chan were beside me, rope restraining them. I wanted to reach out and help them, when I realized I had also been tied up. I heard footsteps getting closer. I saw that it had been the guys from earlier.

"I called up our buddies. Got everything ready for a little commemorative photo shot, too. Make as much noise as you want, no one'll hear you here. You." He said, pointing at Kanzaki-san. "I'd thought I'd seen you somewhere before. This is you right?" He asked, while holding out a picture on his phone

Wait... That's Kanzaki? I looked closer to the photo. It kinda did look like Kanzaki-san. I mean, she had her features.

"That's alright." He motioned to the others behind him. "Get them ready." the other people nodded and took us into different rooms.

The leader went into Kanzaki-san's room.

The group that carried me in this dark room came closer to me and I could smell their foul breaths. I struggled in the ropes.

"Hey. Don't struggle. Or you may get punished." one of the guys said while running a finger down my arm. I shivered, knowing what the punishment might be.

"So, are you gonna be a good girl?"

Do they not know I'm a boy?

"But I'm..." I stopped mid sentence when I felt a finger on my lips.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Or you'll get it."

They fumbled with my pigtails for sometime. I felt something pinch my earlobes.

"So, are you planning to change me?" I asked, seeing a pile of clothes one of them was holding.

"Yeah, so?"

"Would it be okay if I changed somewhere else? Maybe just in that room?" I pointed to a small room off to the side.

"And how do I know you are not going to go anywhere, or call your friends?"

"I don't have my phone with me and I promise I won't escape."

The guys looked at each other for a second. "And in 10 minutes, if you don't come out or not have the clothes on, we'll harm your friends. You understand?"

I nodded. They handed me a pile of white and yellow fabric and a pair of boots. I walked into the small room. It was just like all the other parts of this place. Dusty and dark. I closed the door behind me and looked at what they had given me. It was a white and yellow dress, with green on the seams (See picture above). I put on the outfit and the boots. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I was surprised to see all the thugs knocked out. Then I heard Karma-kun's frantic voice.

"Nagisa-kun! Where are you? Is he dead? I hope he's not dead. Nagisa-kun!" 

I slowly walked towards the voice. I couldn't walk very fast because of the heels. My clothes were a mess and I couldn't find my normal shoes. It felt like forever when I found the others. They just stared at me.  

"Nagisa-kun? Is that you?" Kayano-chan speaking first. I nodded. 

Karma-kun walked in, panting. "I couldn't..." He didn't finish his sentence. I smiled a little. We headed back to the hotel, enjoying the night sky. I had to lean on Karma-kun for the support my boots weren't giving me. 

When we finally got back to the hotel, I changed out of the clothes I was wearing and fell asleep. 



Hey y'all! Thanks for sticking around to this chapter! Also thanks for 100 views! Because you're all such good people, I reward you with a bonus thing. Enjoy!


~~Karma's POV~~

We were leaving to Kyoto tomorrow. As the class droned on, I felt bored and stared at Nagisa-kun. Not because I like him or anything. Nope.


I was waiting for Nagisa-kun to head back when Nakamura-san pulled me to the back of the school.

"What do you want?" I asked Nakamura-san.

"Well, during class, I noticed you were staring at someone." She replied with a smirk on her face. I felt my face heat up. Nakamura-san's face lit up. "Your blushing, could it be possible..." I felt my face get hotter. 

"Shut up!" 

"Alright, I have my answer. Bye!"

And with that, she left. I went back and looked around, looking for Nagisa-kun. I saw him with Sugino-kun and Kayano-san. Had they been with Nagisa-kun this entire time? I felt a little jealous.  



What happens now that Nakamura knows that Karma likes Nagisa?

Anyway, this chapter is getting kind of long. See you in the next! Bye!

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