Chapter 7

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~~ Nagisa's POV~~

I walked to school with Sugino-kun today. I didn't know where Karma-kun was. He has been ignoring me since the school trip. 

"That was one fun school trip." I told Sugino-kun. 

He sighed. "And today it's all back to normal." 

I looked at him. You call this normal?" 

"Yo!" Sugino-kun and I turned our heads to see who said that. We say Isogai-kun run up to us. 

"Hey!" Sugino-kun said, the same time as I said "Morning, Isogai-kun."

"Did you see that group email from Karasuma-sensei?" Isogai-kun asked. 

"Uh-huh." I replied. 

"About a new transfer student, was it?" Sugino-kun added. 

Isogai-kun pulled out his phone and opened his email.


So our new classmate is an Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. As we were having modern literacy, Kayano-chan leaned towards me and whispered. " How is it going to attack?"

I was confused. "How what?" I whispered back.

She turned her head towards the Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. "They call it a fixed artillery, but where are the guns?" 

I thought for a moment. "Hm... Maybe..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery (I'm gonna call it AIFA for short, because Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery is a handful to type) pulled guns from it's sides and started shooting. It kept shooting for about 5 seconds before it stopped. It got really close to hitting Korosensei, but he was able to block the anti-sensei bullets with the chalk. AIFA put its guns back. Karasuma-sensei said something to Bitch-sensei, but I wasn't able to hear what he said.  A bunch of code appeared on AIFA's screen.

"Recalculating trajectory. Correcting angle. Entering auto-evolution phase: 5/28/02." AIFA said.

Korosensei became cocky. "Tsk, tsk... When will you ever learn?"

AIFA pulled out it's guns again and started shooting. 

"This attack is identical to the first! What else do you expect from a machine? If this keeps up, I can use my chalk to..." Before he finished his sentence, his tentacle remains splattered on the blackboard. Korosensei dropped his chalk. It broke in half as it hit the ground. "A blind spot. A hidden BB... The second BB flew along the same trajectory as the one I blocked, putting it in a blind spot!  "

It went like this for the rest of the day, and we didn't learn a single thing.


I didn't feel like getting up today. We weren't going to learn anything with AIFA. I sighed while getting up. I picked up my phone and texted 'Good Morning' to Karma-kun, like I would do every single day. Normally, he would text 'Good Morning' back, but for the past few days, he's left me on read. I felt my chest tighten when he didn't respond. I should tell someone. I'll talk to Kayano-chan after school.

 I washed up, got dressed and packed my bag. Mother was at the table, eating breakfast. I said my thanks, ate and went out the door. I walked to the station, and boarded the train. After I got off the train, I saw Sugino-kun waiting for me. We left and headed for school together.

~~Karma's POV~~

It's been a few days since the kiss, but I still couldn't get it out of my head. I was constantly replaying that moment. It was starting to get annoying. I will kill Nakamura-san. One day. After I thank her. Shut up brain! (Anyone else have arguments with themselves like this? Just me? Okay :/  )

 I stayed in bed for a few more minutes before I got up and got ready for school. I didn't want to be late, or I'll get suspended again. I normally didn't mind getting suspended, but I didn't want to miss an opportunity to kill Korosensei. I sighed and walked out the door, locking it behind me. I checked the time and realized I was earlier than usual. So I went into the store at the station to get strawberry milk before I got on the train. When I got to the mountain, I saw Sugino-kun and Nagisa-kun walk through the doors of our campus. I felt a wave of emotion hit me. I was jealous, for obvious reasons, but I was also angry at myself. This only happened because you pushed him away. I sighed, knowing it was true. 

~~Nagisa's POV~~

Sugino-kun and  I were inside the classroom when we saw Terasaka-kun at his desk, playing with an empty roll of tape. I scanned the room and saw AIFA taped up. 


I had asked Kayano-chan to wait for me after school. We planned to go to a café to talk. We enter the café and I realized it was the same one Karma-kun and I had went to after he tried to kill Korosensei. I felt butterflies in my stomach.  

A waitress came over. We ordered our food. Cheesecake for me and pudding for Kayano-chan. 

Kayano-chan clasped her hands and set them on the table. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well... I think there's something wrong with my health." I told her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. 

"Like, sometimes, out of nowhere, my chest would start hurting and -" I was cut off by Kayano-chan. 

"Hurting? What do you mean by that?" 

"It feels tight, like someone is squeezing my ribs together. And my stomach feels like there are butterflies dancing inside of it. Should I be worried?" 

Kayano-chan looked like she was thinking really hard. The waitress came and we ate in silence. As we were finishing up, Kayano-chan cleared her throat. "I know what's going on. And don't worry. It's got nothing to do with your health."

"Do you know what it is?"  

"Yeah, and but can I ask when you get those uncomfortable feelings?" 

I thought about it. "Well, it happened this morning, and when we first got to the café."

"What happened this morning?"

"This is going to sound really dumb, but Karma-kun left me on read and didn't reply, and he hasn't messaged me since the trip to Kyoto."

Kayano-chan's facial expression changed, but only for half a second. I couldn't tell what she was feeling. "Kayano-chan, are you okay?"  

She smiled, but it didn't look genuine. "Yeah. I'm fine."

An awkward silence fell upon us. I knew she wasn't really fine, but I didn't want to push it. Kayano-chan pushed back her chair and stood up. "Sorry, I've got to go. I just remembered my mom, um... told me to run some errands for her and I totally forgot. Here's the money for my pudding. Bye." 

She tossed me 600 yen (Approximately $6) and left. I wanted to go after her, but my body wouldn't move. I payed and left the café. 

I'll have to ask her what I had tomorrow.  



Hey peeps! Finally some Karmagisa action. Sorry it took so long. Thank you for all the support this book has been getting. 

Just a quick question, should I continue the book after they find out their soulmates, or just leave it there? It's been bugging me and I can't decide. 

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