Mask X Optimistic reader

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Hey let's give ya hay fever child a little bit of sunshine in his life.

I was also bored so yeah...
Make him happy oh (Y/N).
(I/C) = Ink Color
(I/O) = Inkling/Octoling
(H/G) = Head Gear
(C/N) = Clothing name
(S/N) = Shoe name
(F/V) = Favorite video game
You were optimistic.
Always seeing the good in everything.

You smiled at strangers.
We're happy when you lost turf wars.
"It just leaves room for improvement." You'd always say.

That's why you're team looked up to you.

You stayed positive no matter the situation.
And somehow this got you noticed.
By someone you never expected.

"Hey! (Y/N)" a voice called out to me.
I looked over, it was (Teammate 1). I blinked.

"(F/V) Just released today!!" They said happily.

You smiled widely. You'd been waiting for months for this game to come out. Now it was finally here.

"I better hurry before it's sold out!" You said running off "Thanks (Tm/1)!!" You said.

"No problem!!" They responded, watching the (I/C) (I/O) girl run off.

She always wore (H/G) along with her noticeable smile.

She rushed over to the game shop. As she went inside, she darted for the shelf that held (F/V).

Just as she reached for it, another hand did to.
She turned twords them. It was a Cyan Inkling wearing a Gas mask.

(Y/N) smiled at them.
The inkling just cringed. And sent her a glare, although it had no effect on her.

"You can have it!" She said graciously, holding onto her smile.

The cyan inkling just stared at her.
"Yeaaahhh whaattteeveerr" he muttered, grabbing the game.

"Guess I'll wait till they restock..." She mumbled, she proceeded to walk out the building.

The girl straighted her (C/N) and her tentacles. Sure she was a bit sad, but a game wouldn't keep her down.

"Heeyy" she heard a voice say.
It was that same inkling from earlier.

She blinked. Confused for one.

"I'm Maasssk..." He mumbled.
"Oh, you're from the S4 right?" She asked smiling.
He cringed again.

"I'm (Y/N)!" Thanks (I/O) said.
"Okkaayy... sooo noticceeeddd you waanntteeeddd thiiiissss gammmeee..."

The (I/C) girl nodded.
"Wellll, weeee couuulllddd shharreee ittt I guesssss..." He slurred.

She smiled. "Sounds great!" She said happily.

Unbeknownst to her, Mask had blushed seeing her smile. Although he wasn't sure why. Didn't he hate happy people?

"Hereeesss myyy addresssss" he said handing her a piece of paper. "Jusssttt teelllll mmeee wheennn youuuu feellll likkeee commingggg oveerr" he continued.

"Well, I'm actually free right now...if you don't mind. She replied.

Mask nodded. "Alrighhttt theeen.." he crossed his arms and the two made the short journey to his house.

{Time skip: Brought to you by Mask, without his mask}

"Aww man that's the fifth time..." You mumbled, a sad smile on your face.

"You'rreee realllyyy badddd aattt thiiiissss" you heard Mask say.
"Well, I know I'll improve eventually" you replied happily.

You found out the boy had hay fever. Which explained a lot, but you still liked him.

Mask would never admit it but, he found your smile to be adorable.

He sat beside you, and watched you play.
You so into the game, you didn't notice him take his mask off.

He looked at you with his tired eyes. And sorta smiled...I think I could've been a scowled, but just take what you can get.

You turned twords the sick boyo "Hey Mask do you-" you were cut off by something on your lips. "Wait is he kissing me?! We just me like two hours ago, what team heck?!?!" Was all you could think.

He broke it a looked at you. "I can'ttt belieevvveeee I jusssttt diidddd thaaattt" he mumbled.

You on the other hand were a very vibrant shade of (I/C).
"Wow" was all you could muster.

He put his mask back on, and looked away from you.

"Hey Mask?" You asked. The boy just hummed.
"I guess I like you too"
"Allrrriiighhtt" was all he said.

You smiled.
Hey this sick boyo was yours. And you were going to cheerish him.

Holy hecc, why did I write this.


And most importantly, why did you read this. That's my question.
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