Emperor x Childhood friend Reader

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Yay I got a request... I haven't updated in forever... That's mostly because I've gotten more interested in the Pokemon fandom rather than Splatoon..
So if you don't mind checking out my other books, I'd appreciate it

Anyway this was requested by Octolingartist13

Also I'm including one of my children.
"Hey (Y/N)!"
I heard a voice call out to me.
It was a girl I had somewhat recently become friends with.
Her name was Ella, she was a sweet Inkling... Although she was lacked confidence. She was a really good turf player.

"Hey, I heard that Prince is leading Team Emperor now..." She mumbled, walking beside me.
I lightly nodded, I heard about that. Although I never got the chance to meet the team. They seemed rather well off.
... Well I mean I haven't met them recently.

Emperor and I were childhood friends... It's been forever since I've seen him. And I still retain this silly childlike crush on him, that I've had since forever ago.

"I would kill to see them again." I lightly chuckled, shaking my head.
Ella gave me a confused look, but decided against asking a question.
A cleared my throat and changed the subject. "Mm, anyway, apparently there's a new team in town. I hear they're called 'The X- Blood.'"
The pink inkling nodded, and pushed up her glasses. "I know, Olivia and I ran into them the other day... They're kinda scary. I would hate to be in a battle with them." She mumbled, thinking about what could possibly go wrong.

"Well your team is really strong, I'm sure if you train hard enough you could win." I encouraged, she lightly shook her head.
"I-i doubt that, I only slow our team down... I'm pretty sure I'm only there because of my sister's."
I hated when she talked herself down like that. "Hey, what did we say about talking negative about ourselves?"
She glanced up at me, a smile attempting to break through. "It only hurts me, and everyone around me is hurt as well." She mumbled.

I smiled, I was basically one of the only people who knew how to help her. Her sisters didn't know how she was doing, and she didn't want to tell them. Although Amelia knew, it's just she doesn't tell them for her sake.
"Hey how about we go get something to eat?" I suggested, she nodded, perking up a little.

And so we headed over to Crusty Sean's. I had just gotten some tickets for (F/F), and (F/D). I figured Ella would just get a Seanwhich and go on with life.

I walked up to the counter, a bright smile on my face. Untill I noticed a familiar inkling.
"Wait a sec- Emperor?!" I shouted, catching the attention of a couple inklings.
I quickly regretted that, and cleared my throat.
The yellow inkling in front of me blinked, trying to figure out how he knew me.
"Wait... (Y/N)! I can't believe it... It's been years." He softly smiled. Ella tapped me on the shoulder. "Save the reunion for later, I wanna eat." She muttered, a blank expression on her face.

He cleared his throat. "Er- right... Here." He handed me a slip of paper. "Meet me here at six pm."
I looked at the slip, nodded, then handed him both mine and Ella's order.

When we got our food we sat down. Ella took a bite then looked at me. "So, you meeting with your boyfriend later?" She asked with a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up. You know perfectly well that we're just friends."

"That's what they all say, then about a scene later they start kissing."
I gave her a confused look.
"Have you ever read a fan fic? That's how it all goes down."
The confused look remained, but I shook my head and started to eat.  Thinking about how the meeting tonight would go down.

{Le* time skip because there's really nothing else I can add to this scene.}

I walked to the meeting spot, Which was a small spot outside of Inkopolis. I quickly recognized it as the place we would play together when we were little.
"I'm surprised you came..." A voice said, I quickly noticed him standing behind me.

"Well... Why wouldn't I?" I asked.
He sighed, and looked to the side. "Well... Considering how... Horrible I've been recently."
I tilted my head. "What's that matter? I know the real you, and that is the only thing I care about!" I replied, a small smile appearing on my face.

His eyes went wide, and I noticed a small blush on his face. Which caused me to blush as well, realizing what I just said may have been a bit much.
"I'm sorry we lost contact, it was hard to keep up with you. Especially after we moved." He mumbled, looking at the ground.
"Yeah, I really missed you." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
"And honestly..." I seemed to catch his attention, and he looked me in the eye. And man his eyes are beautiful... But that's not the point is it...

"I know it's... Kinda silly... But I kinda had a crush on you when we were kids." I sighed, and shook my head. "I know its... Stupid... And probably kinda cliche. But honestly I still feel the same about you. And it's fine if you don't we don-"
I was cut off by him hugging me. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that." He mumbled. I blushed heavily, but returned the hug.

Although it was kinda hard cause he's like two heads taller...

He pulled back, a rare nervous smile appearing. I lightly giggled, I wasn't expecting things to go like this.
He took a step twords me, and took my hand. And gave me a peck on the cheek.
Of course as any fanfiction goes a bright blush appeared.
I looked him in the eye again. And just went "screw it." And kissed him, yeah its cliche but I wasn't going to wait.
It took him a moment to actually realize what was going on.
And it was kinda like 'Holy heck shes kissing me.'

I pulled away, both of us blushing like crazy. "Honestly that was one of the best moments of my life." He mumbled.
We both chuckled, and I hugged him again.
A content look on my face. Who knew I would get to see my childhood friend again.
Well... Probably the reader of this story.

Tonight was perfect.

I looked at him again. Quickly remembering something.
"Holy heck Ella was right."

1115 words

Aye this took forever to finally get out. Sorry about that... I didn't want this story to be bad because I didn't feel like writing.
Also I'm rather busy doing "A Brand New Journey" and getting out two chapters every week can be a bit tiring.

I admit writing can be a bit draining, but I still enjoy it. Also I am complete fan girl trash... So if you would mind could you check out my other books?
I'd appreciate it, and it makes me feel more confident knowing people actually read them.

If you don't that's fine, it's just something I decided to ask.

Peace out and stay safe fam ~ 💟

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