Emperor x Heartbroken Reader

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Hello... uh... yeah I made this better-

I'll be playing the Splatoon 3 Splatfest Demo, so tell me what teams you guys are gonna choose, I'm going either rock or scissors :)

A small smile appeared on your face as you skipped to the plaza, another day ahead of you. And better yet,  you were spending it with your boyfriend (BF/N)!

He was the love of your life, it was honestly hard to imagine what your life would be like without him...

Unfortunately, you would soon have to learn that...

You conrinued to skip through Inkopolis, (BF/N) had agreed to meet you at 3:00.
Of course you got there around 2:45, one wanting to be early and two, you wanted to surprise him! Although your mind began to wander as you cheerfully went about your way, not noticing an inkling in front of you until you bumped into him, "Oof-"  You fell on the ground, landing on your knees, not noticing that you scraped them, because of the embarrassment of the situation.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!!" You cried, standing up quickly, brushing your clothes off, your eyes darting up to meet the other person's. "It's... fine I suppose, are you okay?" Your eyes widened, and the embarrassment you felt doubled as you realized exactly who you ran into. 

Emperor... (Real smooth (Y/N))

His own gaze met yours, it didn't seem to hold any malice, but more neutral if anything. He had his arms crossed, and tilted his head slightly as he waited for an answer. "I'm so so sorry! I wasn't paying attention! And yeah I'm okay!" You added the last part quickly, nearly forgetting his question. 

"Again I'm sorry!" 'Shut up (Y/N)!' 

"Anyway! I have to go! I'm meeting with someone, and I don't want to be late!" You began to sprint off, but a hand clasped your wrist before you could. "Hold on a moment, I would allow you too under normal circumstances, but I'd rather you not with your knees scraped like that." Your eyes flicked down, noticing blood beginning to trickle down your knees. He released your wrist, and you took a step back. "I'll just fix e'm up later," you shrugged, turning away as you ran off again. 

You scanned the area you planned to meet your boyfriend at for any sight of him, when you noticed his familiar style... next to another girl. You did a double take, but shook it off. Actually now that you thought about it, that was a teammate of his. You thought nothing of it and went to approach them, untill he sat down a drink next to her, and placed a kiss on her cheek. 

Your eyes widened at the action, trembling slightly as you stared...so... it was as you feared. You walked over to them, both giving you a friendly smile, they hadn't noticed you it seemed. "...So... how's your date going?" You asked quietly, trying not to cry. (BF/N) stared confused for a moment, untill it clicked. "Hold up, it's not what you think!" 

"Then what is it?!" You choked back a sob, and took in a deep breath. "I- she's just my teammate!" He yelled, holding his hands up in front of him. The girl let out a sigh and shook her head, "You told me you broke up with her..." she stood up and walked away. A small sniffle escaped as you had a staring contest with (BF/N), "We're through!" You shouted, turning around and running off, you didn't even bother to turn around when he called your name. You just wanted to go home and cry, Inkopolis didn't need to see any more tears today.

Even going as fast as you were, someone's hands caught your arms and stopped your sprint... it was Emperor again. "What?" You questioned, sniffling in some attempt to stop your voice from cracking. "I saw what happened..." His grip on your arms tightened a little, but not in an uncomfortable way. "So..." you sniffled again. He shook his head, "You're injured and shouldn't be walking home by yourself like this " 

"I'm not walking I'm running." You could tell he wanted to glare at you, but stopped himself at the last minute. "Listen..." He sighed, "let me walk you home." You thought about it for a moment, then nodded. He gave you a small smile and placed an arm around your shoulders. 

When you got home Emperor sat you down on the couch, and went to the bathroom for a first aid kit. You wiped your eyes as you thought about the earlier events. How could someone just... do something like that? A small sob escaped, and the tears started to flow again. Rushed footsteps came your way as Emperor came back, the first aid kit in one hand, and a tissue in the other. He handed the tissue to you, afterwards moving to sit one knee on the ground in front of you. 

"I'm sorry-" you mumbled, using your arm to wipe your eyes. He shook his head, "Don't worry about it... you're in an emotional state right now, I won't criticize you for that." After you calmed down a little he opened the first aid kid, grabbing a few band-aids and peroxide. He poured a little bit of the peroxide onto a cloth, "This may sting a little..." He quietly placed the cloth on your knees, looking up at you to know if he should continue or not. 

It stung but not enough to garner a reaction from you so he moved to the other knee. Next he placed the band-aids on both your knees, then closed the kit. He stood up and placed it onto the table, then took a seat next to you. "... how do you feel?" He asked, filling the silence. You bit your lip, staring at the ground. "Hurt." You managed to croak. You saw him hesitate for a moment out of the corner of your eyes, before placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened to you."

"Don't... it wasn't your fault." You replied, sitting up. "It's unfortunate some people can't appreciate what they have, isn't it?" You turned your head towards him slightly, he was looking at you, "...I guess." You sighed, you shook your head, finally finding your words, "I don't mean to sound rude but... why are you here?" 

He let out a quiet hum, a spark of confidence lit in his eyes as he finally spoke. "I like you." You furrowed your brows, tilting your head, "What do you mean by that?" He smirked, "It's simple, I think you're a good person, I'd like to get to know you. I've also seen you around before, and the way you play turf wars is quite impressive." 

"You've seen me play before?" He nodded, "You're quite talented you know." Your lips parted slightly in your surprise, "I- thank you..." a small smile made its way onto your face. You noticed him smiling as well, it was a genuine one. You moved to grab your phone, "Can I get your number... I think we could be friends."

◇Time Skip◇

"(Y/N)?" Emperor said quietly one day in your home, "Yeah what is it?"  A few months after you ended it with your ex, you and Emperor had become very close. Which surprised you a little, he wasn't as cold hearted as everyone made him out to be as you found out that fateful day... in fact you had begun to have a crush on him.

He took your hand, and smiled. "I need to ask you something." He replied. Your heart began to race and you could feel heat rising In your cheeks.
"Okay...Ask away."

He paused the movie you were watching, and took both your hands in his. His full attention completely on you. You could see a faint blush coating his cheeks, "I was hoping I could..." He paused. 'He's nervous' you thought. 'But why?'

"I would like to take you out on a date." He finally stated. Your eyes widened, and your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You struggled to find your words, he noticed your nervous demeanor and interpreted it as rejection, "I understand if you would like to remain friends... I don't want to force this onto you." He muttered 

"WAIT! I- I would love to!" You finally managed to spit out. His eyes met yours and a smile graced his face, "I was hoping you would say that" he said quietly. You returned the smile and pulled him into a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist in response, his face resting in the crook of your neck. 

He pulled his face away, leaning close to your own, placing a hand on your cheek, "I won't hurt you like he did... I swear it." You nodded, "I know you won't" your lips curled into a sweet smile. You leaned in, and placed a kiss on his cheek. His face flushed, and he let out a small chuckle, "Just know, I'll treat you like royalty." 


I need a life, but I have no access to one.

Hope you guys like this new version, this really needed a new coat of paint lol.

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