Gloves x Cute Reader

812 8 21

Requested by @BlitzieUwU
Sorry it took so long I've just been procrastinating ;-;

Also prepare thyselves cause my ocs are in this.
Just about everywhere you went people would call you cute. Not that you's just you found it rather odd.

Even your friends would call you cute, even when you basically carried the entire team in a battle.
"Aww (Y/N) you're so cute when you ruthlessly splat people." ... Okay so maybe that will an exaggeration but still...

Frankly at this point you had gotten used to people flirting with you.

Especially Aloha. Cod save your soul.
You were at the point where the entire S4 had to drag him away to get him to stop flirting.
You just ignored him though, especially since you had your eye set on a certain green inkling.

I swear if you don't know who he is-


"(Y/N)!!" A loud voice shouted. You cringed a little bit, but you recognized who it was.

You recently met a girl named Periwinkle. She was an Octoling, but she wasn't as quiet as some others you met.
In fact she was the complete opposite...
Extremely optimistic and rather loud. If in a complement battle she would win.

She was walking over with (TM/1). Who was playing around with their phone.
"Hey, I heard you guys were going up against our team today!" The blue Octoling said happily.
"Uh yeah..." You mumbled in response.
You heard (TM/1) mumbled something along the lines of "how cute".

You blushed a little before messing around with one of your tentacles.
You were used to this... It just felt rather awkward when anyone mentioned stuff like this.

You shook it off though, you muttered something about needing to go to the tower.
To which Peri had agreed.
You noticed the rest of her team sort of following behind the rest of yours.
(TM/2) was chatting with their leader Misty.

You smiled a little noticing that certain Inkling was in the square, and it just so happens that a certain Octoling had convinced him, without your knowledge, to come view your match.

Periwinkle giggled before entering the tower, leaving you a bit confused. Although you shrugged it off... That was Peri for you.

/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/ Game Start/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Oddly enough you felt someone watching you throughout the whole match. Even after you were splatted.
But you didn't pay to much attention to it as you were rather focused on your foes.

"So anyway, I hope you don't mind that I invited Gloves to come watch us." Peri said behind you.

"Y O U W H A T"
"Peri you little-" she cut you off.
"No swearing!" She yelled.

Truth was she wasn't the only one who one about your crush on that green dualies user.
But it was a mistake telling her in the first place.

In all honesty you and Gloves were pretty good friends. But you were afraid he just saw you as a friend.
Although like just about everyone else he called you cute a l o t.

"Peri leave her alone will you?" Misty sighed as she jumped by her best friend.
The Octoling just shrugged and giggled.
"That's my job though."
Misty rolled her eyes. "I will spare you this time young one." She mumbled super jumping over by Sky.

You shook your head before splatting Peri, and heading over to try and cover turf.
But little did you know Gloves was watching with a lot of admiration.
He truly did like you as more than a friend.

But was worried that if he told you. That you would regect him and your friendship would be awkward after that. That being the complete opposite of what he wanted to happen. So he resorted to staying silent about it.

But all you two needed to do was talk about it. And unfortunately for you and ya boi, that was about to happen.
Cause Gloves's team was tired of him moping about you. Plus Straps about murdered him about it last weak so...

The battle ended and The Quartet ended up winning but it didn't really matter to you.
Cause you had just so happened to run into Gloves afterward.

Or more of his team pushed him twords you.
"Gloves how's it going?" You mumbled happily.
"Oh uh... everything's cool..." He replied a bit nervously.
"Erm... It's good to see you, I was wondering if you wanted to um... Go out with me later... Uh y-you don't have to it's completely fine if you-"
You cut him off with a peck on the cheek.
"I'd be happy to." You said calmly, before taking his hand.
"7:00 sound good?" He asked. You smiled a little brighter before replying."It's perfect."
"You're really cute you know that (Y/N)?" He mumbled.
"Well...It means a lot more to me coming from you."

Unknown to both of you Periwinkle had recorded this and would use it as blackmail later.

And that's the end. It may bw kinda short but uh... I hope you liked my trash.

I haven't updated this book in A bit cause I kinda lost interest in Splatoon, bit also I want more requests as well.
So uh don't be surprised if this isn't updated as regularly as my other books involving Pokemon.

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