Marie x Male Agent 4

922 7 4

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Here's another thing, cause no one has asked for anything...

Also 4 is 18 in this okay.
"You know, I see why you like him" my cousin Callie said, nudging my arm.

"Wha...what?!" I asked looking at her. "I, what do you mean?!"

"Oh come on, it's so obvious" she replied, smiling.

Was it true? Did I really have a crush on this idiot?

"Hey Marie!" I heard a familiar voice say.
I felt a small blush creep on my cheeks. Oh man Callie was right...

The (E/C) inkling came over to me, he was smiling. Something good must have happened.

"Hello Agent four." I stated, clutching my parasol.
"Please Marie, just call me (Y/N), you're to formal around me." He smiled...gosh I loved his smile.

Callie just looked at me of those looks.
I rolled my eyes and continued talking to him.

"So... anything new?" I asked.
"Mmm, not really. Other than I got a new weapon." He replied.

I nodded, he was pretty interesting.
I kept a journal about that I think about it, that may be a bit weird.

"So um...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" He asked.
Of course I blushed a little.

I nodded in response.
"Great!" He said grabbing my hand.

I had changed into my agent wear. So no one knew it was me.

Of course I looked a bit suspicious, but that didn't matter. As long as I wasn't moved by screaming fans...

(Y/N) had changed into (C/N), (H/G), and (S/N).
They suited him. I smiled, although it wasn't visible under my mask.

"Let's go to Wahoo World!!" (Y/N) said excitedly.
He was so cute like this, of course i couldn't refuse.

We hung out for a while there, riding rides, and winning prizes.
Eventually we went on the Faris wheel.

It spun a few times before it reached the top, and stopped.

I looked down at all the inklings below us. They looked like ants...

I took off my mask, and hat. And set them down beside me.
"Thanks for bringing me with you." I said smiling.

"Of course" the (I/C) said smiling.

"Hey Marie?" I heard him ask.
I turned to face him. "Yes?"

"Um...the reason I asked you to come with me was..." He trailed.
I felt my blush come back.

"Would my girlfriend?" He said turning away.

I sat there for a moment. A bit shocked, I never expected him to ask me this question...

I took his hand, and turned his face twords me. I stared into his (E/C) eyes.
"Of course." I stated smiling.

He blushed a little.
"Do you mind if I-?" He cut me off by kissing me on the lips.

Oh okay that...that was fine...I didn't expect that to happen. What the heck...

We broke it, at this point we were both blushing heavily.

"Let's go rub this in Callie's face." I mumbled, smiling.

(Somewhere else)
"Aww that's so cute!" Marina said gushing.
"Why are we stalking Marie?" Pearl asked her friend.

"Because I ship" she plainly replied.

Yeet I did something.

It sucks but you read it...for some reason.

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