Gloves x Flirty reader

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Howdy, I have decided to rewrite this chapter


In this world the first thing your soulmate says to you
Is written on your wrist.

Unfortunately for you...
You could never find yours.
And so, to make up for the emptiness you felt, you were a bit of a flirt. It never really could fill the void of missing the one who would truly love you... for you

"Drat!" You shouted, flinging your (F/W) to the ground. You were training, and missed a target. Mentally face palming, at the fact that this was an easy one. A few grumbles escaped as you leaned against a wall and slid down it. Your eyes shifted down to your wrist, saring at the all too familiar words printed on there.

"You know you're really good with (F/W). Mind if I join you?"

"Not today I'm not..." You mumbled, rolling your eyes. A small grumble escaped as you brought your knees to your chest, the thought of not yet finding your soul mate hurt a bit...(BF/N) Already found theirs. And that was hard on you, you felt you'd never find your soulmate. It felt like everyone you knew had one except you. With your parents recalling the first time they met, and the all too sweet meeting between (BF/N) and their's. You knew you couldn't rush fate, you almost spent every moment in a battle or in the training room in some hope you would hear those words from someone...

You let out a small sigh and grabbed your (F/W) and continued to practice hitting targets to take your mind off your sorrows.


"Another loss..." Gloves grumbled, walking out if the tower. "It would help if you were more focused..." Half- rims muttered, crossing his arms. Gloves glanced back at his teammate, an apologetic look making its way onto his face, "Sorry...I've...just been focusing on..." "Your soulmate...yeah, I see you staring at your wrist during battles." Half-rims sighed.

 Gloves blinked, and muttered a small "Dang it." He shook his head and stared walking off, "I'm gonna go train..." He walked up to Sheldon asking to use the room, Sheldon informing him of another using said room. Although Gloves just shrugged it off and decided to go in anyway.

Although his eyes were soon drawn to a (I/C) (I/O) training with a (F/W). He stared for a moment... they were... kind of... cute? His eyes widened monetarily and he shook his head. What was he saying?! He hadn't even talked to them!

He walked up behind them, "Hey you're pretty good with (F/W). Mind if I join you?" The (I/O) seemed to jump a little bit. They turned around slowly, looking him up and down before giving him a small smirk.  "Personally hon, I don't judge people with their strength using weapons the first time I see them." They noticed him freeze up momentarily, and bring his wrist up to his face. "Holy Carp you're my-!" They giggled, "Your soulmate...yeah, I know" 

They extended their hand, "It's nice to meet you..." They trailed, "Oh- Gloves!" He took their hand and shook it. "Ah, Gloves... well I'm (Y/N)." They replied, Gloves gave them a small smile, "(Y//N), huh? Wow... such a beautiful name..." They smirked again, "I could say the same thing about you." They intertwined their already connected hands, and winked. Gloves could feel a bright blush creeping up onto his face. He struggled to find his words for a moment, until he finally managed to ask for their number. Once they gave it to them, they both decided to ditch the training room and go on a date instead 

Although their decision didn't go unoticed

(BF/N) exited Ammo Knights, slightly confused as to where their friend had gone. As they stepped out they noticed Team Green standing outside of the store. "Oh hey...have you seen a (F/C) (I/O)?  They asked "Yeah...They're um-" Clips started, "On a date with our Team Leader" He finished 

"... a date? (Y/n)?" They glanced over the square, managing to spot their friend, and a certain Green inkling excitedly talking over at The Crust Bucket. "Huh... guess you're right, good on them I guess." They chuckled, "Guess they can stop hanging out at the Traing Room all the time." 

Rewriting these stories makes me oddly happy, I'll try and do some more soon :)

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