Emperor x Reader (Chrismas thing)

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This was requested by Angie3884
They asked for a Christmas thing so I shall provide...

Gosh that sounded weird.
Anyway, this will probably either be really stupid or really cheesy. I don't know

"(Y/N)! Come on!" Her boyfriend shouted from downstairs.
The two were at her house planning to leave soon.
Why you ask? Because these idiots are going to (Y/N)'s parents house for Christmas eve.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming!" (Y/N) shouted back. She could hear an annoyed groan from him. "Aye shut up, I just have to finish packing!"
"You just need clothes for one day, I don't understand why you're taking so long." He huffed, you could hear him walking up the stairs and soon he was in the doorway.
Her room was a mess...

There were clothes everywhere from her throwing them out looking for specific clothing items.
"Oh... are you looking for something?" Emperor muttered, giving her a confused look.
"Yeah, that squid plush you got me..." she said quietly, scratching her cheek.
"...May I ask why?"
"I just...want to bring it. It's also just something calming to have." They mumbled.
She looked at the ground slightly embarrassed.
"Is it because I'm meeting your parents for the first time... and you're nervous?" He asked.

"Okay I'll help you find it."
"Thanks Emp."

It took about two minutes for him to find it.
It was under a pile of pillows she had thrown. Not in its usual place next to her Off the Hook and Squid Sister plushies.
She gave her boyfriend a quick hug before putting the yellow plush into her bag.
"Okay let's go!" She cheered, grabbing her bag and beginning to head out the door. "And now you're the one in a rush..." she heard Emperor mutter before he followed behind.

So now the journey to the parents house began.

"So my cousins will be there. One of them is married so he'll bring his wife." (Y/N) mumbled, scrolling through her phone.
"So...what are your parents like?" Emperor asked.
"Well my mom is really sweet I suppose. And my dad is...really corny." They replied, cringing as she remembered his endless dad jokes.
"Yeah he... really likes stupid jokes."

"Well... sounds like it'll be interesting then." He said, placing his hand over her own.
"I think they'll like you... although I think my younger cousins will reeeeally like you."
"What do you mean by that?" He questioned.
"Well... they like new people... and they'll probably try to climb onto you. Cause y'know you and your long as heck legs." (Y/N) chuckled.
He huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Well at least I can reach the top cabinet without having to ask for help." He chuckled in response.
"Its not my fault my parents didn't make me tall..." she mumbled sticking her tounge out childishly.

"You're cute when you're annoyed." He said quietly, rubbing the top of her head.
"Shut up..." (Y/N) whispered snuggling into her boyfriend.

The rest of the ride there was quiet. The two nearly falling asleep on each other but that was soon interrupted by the announcement that they had arrived.
So the couple tiredly got off the train. "My parents don't live far from here so we can just walk the rest of the way." (Y/N) said quietly yawning, Emperor simply nodded probably to groggy to say anything.

The walk to their parents house was quiet, but you two walked hand in hand.
Eventually the two made it, and (Y/N)
knocked on the door.
Her mom opened the door, and instantly hugged her.
"(Y/N) sweetie! You made it!" She said happily.
"Hey mom." She replied, returning the hug. Her mom let you go, and quickly noticed Emperor standing behind her.
"Oh, is this that boyfriend you were telling me about?" She giggled, as her face heated up. She could hear Emperor chuckle behind her.
"I'm glad she talks about me, I was afraid she didn't tell you anything about me." (Y/N) swiftly punched him the shoulder.
"Shut it, anyway mom is dad here?" You muttered changing the subject.
"Yes hes inside, now come in you two." Her mother replied, motioning the two in.
The two walked in, (Y/N) quickly noticed her father in the living room. "Hey (Y/N)," he said, lazily waving. "Hey dad..." She replied, giving him a quick hug.
"(Y/N) brought her little boyfriend." Her mother said teasingly from behind you two.
"Mom!" (Y/N) cried, a bright blush visible as she turned to face her.

(Y/N)'s father stood up from his chair, taking a glance at Emperor before taking him off to the side.
Although he whispered it, she could still hear what he said.
"You break her heart I break your non existent spine-"

{Time skip brought to you by egg boy Makoto}

"So this is my old room. Geez I haven't been here in a while." (Y/N) mumbled, taking a quick look around before launching herself onto her old bed.
Emperor sat beside her, ruffling their tentacles before taking in the room.
"So you were a really big Squid Sister's fan weren't you?" He said looking at all the posters and other miscellaneous things hanging on the wall.
"Oh yeah, I was obsessed I used to sing City of Color and Now or Never around the house all the time." They giggled, hugging an old worn out cyan squid plush.

"Of course my emo phase was worse, but I won't talk about that." (Y/N) Chuckled, reminiscing about the old cringy phase they went through.
"I never pictured you as someone who would go through an edgy phase." Emperor chuckled in response.
"Luckily it didn't last long," she replied, "But while it did last It was cringeworthy." She muttered, sticking her tounge out once again.
"So are your parents gonna allow us to stay in the same bed or...?" He asked, looking at his girlfriend.
"Maybe...?" (Y/N) replied, tapping her chin.
"I mean, I'm an adult so they should let me do what I want. And they probably won't care as long as we don't do anything." She said, squeezing the plush again.
"And yet you act like you're 12..." he teased, causing her to puff her cheeks childishly and huff.

"You're sleeping on the ground."
"Wait- (Y/N) please no-"

{Hi how ya doin}

Yeah she let him sleep in the bed with her.
Before that, they ate Christmas eve dinner with her parents. And dang her dad can cook.
He also made cookies even though they were all full, and probably couldn't eat anything else-


"I'm so sleepy-" (Y/N) mumbled.
After changing into her pajamas she threw herself onto her bed and snuggled up next to her plushie.
Although she quickly noticed her boyfriend behind her and she turned around. Mind you still holding the plushie.
"(Y/N) you know you can cuddle Into me right?"
(Oh my sweet baby jesus that was the cringiest thing I've ever written-)

"Yes but, this is softer." She giggled, turning back around.
He let out a sigh before wrapping his arms around her waist. Giving her a small kiss on the top of her head.
And soon the two fell asleep.

But (Y/N) was still holding the plushie because it's better than her boyfriend-

1234 words

I got this out, sorry it took so long I wasn't sure where this was going-
Originally I was going to write more but I lost motivation.

Sorry if this isn't what you expected, this is just my definition of a Christmas holiday because my family never goes out of town (unless were going to a different relative's house for Christmas eve)

Anyway I hope you liked it :3

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