Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A one Mahogany Lox walked through the busy hallways of Crawford High.

Her red curly hair was tied into a pony and she wore an aliceband with cat ears attached to the top.

Mahogany wasn't a person who cared what people thought of her, infact, she couldn't care less. But the looks she was receiving were quite unsettling.

She wondered if it were her skirt. She wore a short poofy floral skirt and a black crop top. It wasn't like she was dressing innaproriate or anything.

But something about this school was weird. The kids here dressed conservatively. No skirts, no shorts, no crop tops.

Good god.

Mahogany had been to 13 schools in her life. This was due to her mother being a rather loose woman. Her mother would date a suitor and eventually they'd leave her. Like they always do. Her mother would be so filled with despair that she'd move them to another town. Mahogany was used to this. It didn't bother her. She didn't like making friends anyway.

Mahogany walked up to the front office where a greasy old lady sat behind a desk filled with papers.

"Excuse me." Mahogany said politely.

The old lady looked up. Her eyes scanned Mahogany. Silently judging her clothing choices.

She let out a sigh. "Name." She said in a monotone voice.

"Mahogany Lox." Mahogany replied with a smile.

The old lady grabbed a clipboard and scanned a few pieces of paper.

She then picked up an old phone on her desk and dialed a number.

"Mr Christian. Yes, we have a new student." She paused looking at Mahogany again. "You should have a word." She said while putting the phone down.

"Go in." The old lady said while pointing to a door.

Mahogany smiled and walked towards the door. She lightly knocked on the doors surface.

"Come in." A voice said.

She slowly opened the door to reveal an elderly man in suit sitting behind a desk.

He looked up. "Ah yes Mrs Lox. Please have a seat." He said.

Mahogany pulled up a grungy old chair and say opposite him.

"Welcome to Crawford High Mrs Lox." He said.

Mahogany smiled sweetly. "Thank you."

"I am your principal. Mr Christian."

Of course.

"Now it says here that you've been to over 15 different schools Mrs Lox. That means that you must move a little less then every few months. Why is this?" He asked.

Mahogany thought for a moment. She liked to make up things. False tales of where she had come from and who she was. So that these people wouldn't get the wrong idea. It's not like she'd be staying here for a long time anyway.

"My mom is a researcher. For Harvard. Anthropology and what not. So we move from town to town for her work. It doesn't bother me though. I adapt well." She lied.

"Well, that's rather impressive Mrs Lox. I take it you should do well. As I can see you're taking many advanced classes for a sophomore." He said.

Mahogany was quite intelligent. She'd self study on the road. So she wouldn't get behind due to the constant moving. In the end she ended up ahead of most kids her age. It's how she liked it.

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