Chapter 10

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Cameron hastily followed Mahogany as she walked away.

"Hey, you're going to get lost!" he exclaimed, not understanding why Mahogany walked away.

Mahogany turned around and smiled. "It's first period right?" she asked. Cameron checked his watch and nodded. "Well, that means we have worship correct?" she said again. Cameron nodded again.

"Well, I can find my way to my other classes but I refuse to go to worship." She stated.

Cameron was shocked. He never before in his life had ever met someone like Mahogany. The way she spoke, the way she dressed and just her general attitude.

"Where are you going to go then?" Cameron asked.

"You guys got bleachers or some shit? I want to chill till my next class." She stated.

Cameron took a deep breath. He could take her to his place, but he didn't think it was a good idea. They certainly would not get caught.

"Well?" she asked.

Cameron continued to think. If they went to the bleachers this could give him an opportunity to find out more about Mahogany and why she said what she said. Also, it was Nash's gym period and they would be doing laps so, how could Cameron pass up the opportunity to aimlessly stare at Nash for an entire hour?

"Yeah, follow me." Cameron said while leading Mahogany to the bleachers.

Cameron led Mahogany out of the school and on to the field. They walked towards the bleachers.

Okay so I'm going to help you in, it's a tight squeeze okay?" Cameron said. Mahogany nodded as Cameron helped her in.

"This place is amazing!" Mahogany exclaimed. She was truly amazed by the place. The inside was filled with grass that tickled her knees.

Mahogany leaned against the wall and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, she pulled one out and lit it up. "I'd offer you one but I only have a few left. Can you believe it, there is not one place in this town that sells them. God dammed conservative fucks." She said while taking a drag of her cigarette.

Mahogany continued to shock Cameron. Cameron had never seen anyone smoke before. The only reason he knew that it existed was from those Christian books he got as a child that told him it was wrong.

"I'm good." Cameron said while averting his eyes from Mahogany.

He then peered outside on the field. Like clockwork a bunch of people ran out onto the field. Cameron scanned long and hard, looking for Nash but he couldn't find him.

"Looking for the boyfriend huh?" Mahogany said.

Cameron turned around. "No..." he said softly.

Mahogany laughed and walked over to him and looked outside. "So, who is it?" she said.

Cameron sighed. "It's no one."

"Don't lie to me babes, you're horrible at it. Now, tell me who the lover boy is."
Cameron sighed. Was he really that transparent?

"I hardly know you, why should I?"

"Ahh so there is someone!" Mahogany remarked.

"Look, I travel from town to town. I'm never in one place for too long. And I'm not an asshole; I won't go and tell everyone you know. Plus, you look like you need to tell someone." She said sincerely.

Cameron felt like he could trust Mahogany, he didn't know why. It was just something about her.

"We're not really together; I just like him a lot."

"Ahh unrequited love is a bitch." Mahogany said while nodding.

"No, it's not one sided, well, at least I don't think it's one sided. " Cameron said softly.

Mahogany sighed. She's heard this all before. "Have you guys kissed?"

Cameron's face went scarlet.

Mahogany smirked. "I take that as a yes."

"It's just, we have not known each other for that long, we want to get to know each other before we actually be something ." Cameron said with a smirk.

"I sense that there's a but?" she asked.

"His dad is the pastor at our church." Cameron said softly.

"Oh well fuck." Mahogany said.

"You Christians are a bunch of repressed people you know that?" she said while shaking her head.

Cameron didn't say anything.

"Look, just don't let him use you okay? Guys like that end up marrying a woman. They're terrified of their sexuality so they lock it away." She said while looking at Cameron.

"Nash isn't like that."

"Ah so his name is Nash. I like that, it sounds like a desert." She said with a smirk.

Cameron let out a small chuckle.

"We should go, bells going to ring soon and I don't want to be late." Cameron said. Even though they still had a long time, Cameron didn't really feel like staying here, plus, he couldn't see Nash so what was the point?

Mahogany nodded and they both left the bleachers.

Cameron looked over to the field. Someone was running towards them. He hoped it wasn't a teacher, although, teachers can't run that fast.

Eventually the figure came into focus, it was Nash.

Cameron felt his heart beat increase and his cheeks grow red.

"Hey." Nash said as he ran up to Cameron.

"Hi." Cameron shyly said back.

"Who's this?" he asked, motioning to Mahogany who was standing next to Cameron.

"Oh, this is Mahogany, she's new." Cameron said.

"Nice to meet you Mahogany, I'm Nash!" Nash said enthusiastically.

"On so you're Nash." Mahogany said with a sly smile. Cameron mentally face palmed.

"Can I talk to cam for a sec?" Nash asked while dragging Cameron back into the bleachers.

"Okay, see you in class Cameron!" Mahogany screamed as Cameron was dragged away.

Once Cameron and Nash were alone, Nash started taking.

"I started to get worried." He said softly.

"Why?" Cameron asked.

"You and a girl, under the bleachers, alone." He said softly.

"It's not like that."

"No, I know, its just. I'm not sharing." He said, passiveness in his voice.

"I don't expect you too." Cameron said softly.

Nash grabbed Cameron by his waist and slowly leaned in. Cameron couldn't handle the anticipation and put his hand on Nash's neck and pushed his head forward, pressing their lips together.

They lingered for a while till Cameron started moving his lips against Nash's.

Nash then pulled away, a stupid grin on his face.

"So, I talked to my dad." He said.

"Yeah?" Cameron asked.

"He said it's cool for me to sleep over at your house tonight. I told him we're pulling an all nighter to finish our 'project'." Nash said.

Cameron gulped. "Cool." He said. He could feel his heart beat go at a rapid pace.

Nash leaned in and kissed Cameron again.

"See you at lunch okay?" he said while walking out of the bleachers. He stopped and looked at Cameron.

"Okay." Cameron said. Cameron was pulled back just as he was about to exit.

"One more kiss." Nash said as he placed his lips on Cameron's, again.

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