Chapter 19: Final Chapter

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Cameron hadn’t noticed, but he had tears in his eyes. And they weren’t the kind of tears from the pleasure that was surging through his body currently. It was tears because this would be the last time they could ever do this.

Cameron hadn’t told Nash what had happened yet, what was told to him less than three hours ago.

Nash thrusted into Cameron. Cameron screamed out in pain.

Nash frowned and looked down at Cameron, who had a large about of tears falling from his eyes.

“Am I hurting you baby?” Nash asked softly.

Cameron didn’t respond.

Nash quickly pulled out. He pulled Cameron into an embrace. This only caused Cameron to continue to whimper beneath him.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Nash asked.

Cameron looked up the boy he loved so much.

“They’re sending me away, Nash,” Cameron said softly.

Nash was frozen for a moment.

“What?” Nash asked softly.

“They’re sending me away. To that horrible place,” Cameron said as he scampered to the far corner of the bed.

Nash felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He wished he hadn’t been so possessive. They would have never been in this situation then.

Nash moved over to the edge of the bed, his back to Cameron who was sitting at the far back.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Nash said in a barely audible voice. His eyes were started to water but he kept them in. He wanted to show Cameron he wasn’t weak.

“I don’t have a choice, Nash.”

“What if they hurt you there? What if they hurt you! I won’t let them hurt you Cameron. You’re my Cameron. Mine! I won’t let them hurt you,” Nash said in a sternly. His voice quivered every now and then.

“What do you want me to do then, Hamilton? This is your fault in the first place! If you hadn’t thrown a fit when I was with Rachel, then we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place!” Cameron yelled while standing up.

Nash took a deep breath in.

“Don’t put this on me. I love you Cameron. I’m sorry if I wasn’t comfortable with you being with that girl, Cameron!” Nash yelled, equally as loud.

Cameron shook his head as he pulled his briefs on.

“You knew why I had to be with her, Nash! Even Mahogany knew and she’s like six months pregnant! It was the only way to secure this relationship. They were getting suspicious. You dad was getting suspicious.  Hell, my mom even confronted me about it! The only reason you’re not being sent there is because your daddy bailed you out. It would be such a disgrace if the town found out that the perfect preacher’s son was fucking gay! Such a disgrace! So let’s blame it on the other boy! The one from a broken home! The one with no fucking father to bail him out. To help him! Let’s accuse him of raping the preacher’s son! Yeah! Then let’s send him to an institution where he basically will be killed!” Cameron yelled. Tears were pouring out of his eyes.

“This isn’t my fault Cameron! I don’t want you to leave! I’m in love with you!” Nash yelled out, his voice breaking at the end.

“Then what do you want me to do? Because tomorrow morning, they’re picking me up and taking me away, Nash. They’re taking me away forever,” Cameron said softly as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“No,” Nash said softly.

“No they aren’t,” he continued.

“They’re probably already looking for me! I wasn’t supposed to leave the house but I had to tell you…” Cameron said softly. His anger quickly dissipating. 

Nash got up and pulled on his boxers. He glanced over to the coffee table, at his car keys.

And then it hit him.

“Let’s leave,” Nash said simply.

Cameron frowned at him.

“What?” he asked.

“Let’s leave. You and me. I mean, we’re already a few towns away, we can keep going. Until we’re somewhere safe. I can drain my father’s credit card he gave me a few birthdays back. It’ll be you and me,” Nash said while walking over to Cameron.

Cameron gulped.

“They’ll find us,” Cameron said softly.

“No, no they won’t. I have connections. I can get us a place to stay. We can start a new life Cameron, we can start one together,” Nash said softly.

Cameron let out a shaky breath.

“I don’t want you to give up your life for me,” Cameron said while looking down.

Nash lifted Cameron’s head up to his.

“Hey, you aren’t. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let them take you away. And plus there’s not really much left of a life for me in that town. You are what I want and you are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. So, you make the decision Cameron. Will you come with me? Run away? Together?” Nash asks, desperately.

Cameron locked eyes with Nash.

“Me and you?” Cameron asked.

“Me and you,” Nash confirmed.

Cameron intertwined his fingers with Nash’s.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” 

- So I know a lot of you probably hate me right now but there was no way I was going to continue this book. I had lost most of my passion for writing this book and kind of just wrapped it up. I have immersed myself in writing my new Cash book. It will be fully completed when I publish it in April. I apologize for the long wait. I know this is probably not the way you wanted to end this but I figured rather end it than leave you hanging. 

I love you guys and I'm sorry. 

-peace love and rubber gloves. 

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