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"What are you talking about?" Merlin frowns as I report to him what happened in the woods, leaving out the part of the gem shape on the wall.

"Just as I told you, there's something probably installed in the wall that has weakened your magic severely as well your guard. Forgive me if what I'm going to say will sound weird, but I believe we should talk to a human, or someone who has been in contact with them, and one of your white coats said that there was one that has see-"

"No, I won't risk the safety of my people."

"If we don't find out what is going on behind the wall all your people will be weakened and will eventually die, starting with the weakest."

I argue with Merlin as he angrily slams his hands on his desk knotting his thick white eyebrows together.

"If you refuse to seek outside help this won't bring harm but to your own people and lead to the downfall of all the kingdoms. I suggest you contemplate this idea before you take your decision. I'll leave you alone to think about it." With that I turn my back and go out of the office shutting the door behind me.

I take a deep breath as a staggering ache takes over my heart. My eyes tear as the inexpiable pain spreads out to my whole abdomen and chest. Without knowing what was going on, I go running to the first floor that comes in my sight. I find my room a few doors ahead but as soon as I approach mine, the world swirls around me and suddenly I lose my room's door and fall into a tornado of blurry vision as everything starts to black out in front of me.

But my vision doesn't go obscured totally as a light flashes in my head with distant faces that randomly appear with it; ones I know and others that I don't. I reach out to see who are these people but recognize none but my father's face in between the crowd.


I wake up with a familiar jolt to find myself in my bed covered to my neck, with my shoes beside the doorstep.

I admire the organization and cleanness in this work, and for some reason I know who the person behind this is.

"You've got to stop fainting out on me." My favorite voice in the world echoed throughout the whole room as I look to my right to see Davien coming out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I know it's annoying. I don't know what is happening to me and why that is. It must be something I am not aware of." I give him a faint smile as I sit up straight and take the glass of water that was in his hand.

"No it's not annoying, it's just, I'm getting worried about you. I fear something is happening and that it'll lead to complicated circumstances. I can't afford losing you, you're all I have in this world." He gives me a worried smile as he sits down beside me on the bed.

"And I'll never leave your side." My heart squirms as I surprise myself with such a comment.

"I know, I'll make sure of that. But for now, I'm not letting you leave this bed. You should rest as much as possible, and no more exploring beside the wall, I guess it's affecting you as well."

"No, it only affects wizards, and for a fact, I am not one, I don't know if that is not obvious but anyway here you go. You aren't affected by it either since you are not a wizard. I don't think the wall is the reason."

"No matter what is the reason, you aren't moving anywhere."

"No I won't be just a prisoner sorry."

I stand up taking the covers off me as I try to go to the door to put on my shoes before I suddenly find Davien's figure obscuring my path.

"I said you aren't going anywhere." He slowly says in a deep husky voice, all alpha like. The authority in his voice drips down his lips and engulfs the whole atmosphere around us leaving me shocked with how demanding he sounded.

The Gem of Buried SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now