03 - Fishing

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Cassandra blew her cup of hot chocolate gently as she stepped out into the morning light, or what little of it was getting through the clouds. The blizzard was gone  at least, and any snow fall had ebbed, finally giving them some reprieve. Already Boltund and Corviknight frolicked through the snow, throwing it at one another in as close to a snowball fight as they could get. Lucario was far better in that regard, although he had opted to running about and stretching his legs. Arcanine, too, had gone off for a sprint around the area, his speed and energy levels requiring a far broader range to satisfy his needs. Tyranitar, of course, stood watch near by the entrance, keen eyes always scanning the horizon; experienced nose scenting the air. He'd always been the vigilant type, brought on by the harsh lesson that gave him the deformed X-shaped scar on his brow during his Larvitar years so long ago. Lapras, meanwhile, happily snoozed in the cave, any water source still unavailable to her right now. Hopefully they could find a thin spot in some pond or the lake further north. It was normally iced over, but not every spot was thick—they could break it open for her.

It would probably require the sun to finally show, though. The blizzard could start back up at anytime, so she made sure to have her Pokémon make the most of it. Glancing back, she noted Leon was still sleeping in the tent. She wasn't surprised. He'd been stressed and still weak from his injuries, and even now he was anxious about whatever danger he was in. Instinctively, she wanted to help. It was all she had done back home and in every region she explored, be it helping people or Pokémon. She'd managed to subdue that urge some her, keeping to just injured Pokémon, but she felt it prickling. It was part of her nature, she'd been told once. But she shouldn't—not this time. He didn't want her to help, which meant she should keep out of it. She just a random camper in the mountains. That was all.

A rumble echoed from the cave and she looked to the Charizard, which had finally stirred. He yawned, stretching some before standing up. He did so carefully, though, making sure Leon went undisturbed. The beast shivered, getting out any last shakes, and walked towards the entrance to join her. He basked in the cool air, eyes closed, and tail firmly behind to avoid any extra cold. Her Tyranitar made a grunt-sound, to which the Charizard chuffed, almost indignantly in her opinion. She imagined it was right by the way the green-colored Pokémon snorted with a shake of the head. When Cassandra looked back to the fire-type she noted he was scenting the air, wings slightly erect.

"You can go fly—it's safe right now. We'll look after Leon until your back," she explained. The Charizard turned his head her way, rumbled softly, and then stepped further out. Scenting the wind again, he stretched his wings out wide—and winced with a sharp hiss. The left wing pulled back quickly and he tried to reach back to nuzzle at it, but could not quite reach. Cassandra was beside him instantly, pausing before a touch to meet its gaze. He nodded, and she gently began to prod around until he hissed and snarled at her. Tyranitar was quick to growl back in kind, spikes and tail lifting slightly to go with a fierce glare.

Cassandra raised a hand, "Calm down. He's hurt, it's fine. Sorry, Charizard. Looks like you might have pulled a wing muscle—right where it attaches at the back based on location. You can't fly just yet. I have a few restorative items that can help, but it'll still be a few days. Sorry."

The fire Pokémon growled, though not at her. With a huff he folded his wings back down and nuzzled her gently.

She chuckled, stroking his head, "I know... Corvi was devastated when he hurt his wing, too."

"Is something wrong?"

Cassandra jumped, surprised to find Leon there, a blanket around his shoulders. His eyes were focused on his Charizard, concerned. The fire type made a light, pitiful rumble before shuffling back to him and letting his snout settle on his trainer's head.

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