13 - Tribulations

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And now for a sweet, but a little bitter chapter ;)

I also had way too much fun with the cover I love drawing them 😂



Cassandra's eyes shot open, shoving the covers off and unceremoniously pushing Leon off her in tandem, which jolted him awake. He grabbed his pokéball, ready to let loose a Pokémon, but, alas, their enemy was not one of the crazy kings' goons, but Raihan. And his Rotom. And his shit-eating grin.

"Did you just—," the redhead began.

He interrupted, "Yeeeeep. Perfect shot of the Galar ex-champ, and his lovely princess—or should I say Queen? Or maybe Empresss since you're Johto-jin? Which do you prefer?"

"Delete. That. Now!" she hissed.

"Nah-uh, my followers gotta see this!" he teased, leaning against the door with a toothy grin.

Leon sat up, sending a look of his own, "Raihan. Don't post that. She doesn't want the attention."

"...Poor choice of partner then," he whistled, but shrugged. He threw up his hands in surrender when Leon threatened to unleash his Pokémon and Cassandra readied a pillow. "Alright, alright, alright! I give, I give! I'll just be sure to send it to you to savor. Consider it a gift."

"Careful, I'll start thinking we're friends," the purple-haired man smirked.

His "friend's" face contorted in disgust, "I'd rather go shirtless in winter."

Cas raised a brow, so Leon whispered, "He hates the cold."

"Ah. Well, better not spread that pic, or Lapras is going to make it winter all year for you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said I wouldn't. But hurry up—breakfast is getting cold," he hummed, practically prancing away, leaving Leon chuckling, and Cassandra red as a tomato. The young man grinned, wrapping an arm around her to kiss her cheek.

"Don't worry, he won't post about us unless you're okay with it."

"Still... that was embarrassing. Guess we should have locked the door," she grumbled, slipping from bed. Leon's shirt had been tossed on her side apparently, so she picked it up and held it out for him. He slipped it on, and then retrieved their pokéball belts. She made for the door, but he snagged her wrist to tug her back, and give her a quick kiss that sent a sweet shock through her. Of course, she stared stupidly at his impish grin.

"I can get used to that. And we're definitely locking the door from now on," he hummed, letting her sit on that as he slipped out first to wait for her with his hand held out. Cassandra made an incoherent string of stuttering words before following and flipping up her hood as if she might hide herself under it. She did take his hand, though, a stupid smile coming over her face as they entwined their fingers. Unfortunately, there was no hiding from Raihan, who was flipping pancakes, nor Sonia, who sat at his dining table with a cup of tea while Yamper chomped down on food at her feet. Outside in the courtyard down the stairs she could see the Gym Leaders' Pokémon eating, too.

"Go ahead and take your Pokémon out and give 'em some food—I keep it in the storage just outside. Pancakes will be ready in just a min," the dark-skinned trainer spoke up, his focus solely on breakfast. Cassandra looked to Sonia, who was staring—at Leon. And their entwined fingers. She knew hurt when she saw it and figured now was a good time to get out of the way.

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now