19 - Aftermath II

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I forgot to make a chapter cover specifically for this so I'mma just use a picture I made at random lmao It works


A week or so later...

The meeting between Gym Leaders, foreign associates, and Galar League admins had been a long and arduous one, but the party after was amazing—and just what everyone needed. Thought victory had been won, the tension and weight of things was still there as everyone worked to begin repairing cities all over the country, Hammerlocke hit the hardest. Rubble took days to be cleared, as did finding all the injured and the bodies of the dead. It was a long, arduous process that made that weight feel even heavier for everyone, but especially the leaders of the region, who felt the most responsible, despite not having been the ones to wrought such chaos. Though they had stopped further loss, it never felt enough, and it had become apparent in the meeting to discuss progress.

For all the dour mood the tallies of damage and death made, there was at least some relief in knowing they had saved the region and could now recover. It wasn't going to be easy, but there was another boon in that the foreign Leagues had all offered their continued support even when they had to leave, and even Silver and his Team Rescue were considering setting up a temporary base to begin training units for Galar. It was something all Leaders and the Champion agreed upon and determined to be good, so that was yet perhaps another small hopeful thing in such a still dark time. The party after was the other boon, a small get together for everyone to meet and greet and relax where they hadn't been able to before beyond helping one another in rescue and recovery. Finger food and drinks were provided in a gallery room, lit with extravagant lights in a tower in Hammerlock which an incredible view, and wonderful company.

Already Cassandra could see the groups forming. Most of the Galarian Gym Leaders were keeping together, although she herself had found some comradery with Nessa, Kabu, and even Gordie. The Motostoke Gym Leader had come up to discuss their homeland and to then be introduced to May and Brendan, who were both powerful Champions sent at Steven's behest. Their legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre were also topics of conversation, as the two had, together, stopped the weather-changing chaos that occurred years ago. Nessa had been kind as ever, although she could have a biting wit, but she sweet in her own way. She was quite interested in her and Leon's relationship, if only for the gossip, but she offered her thanks for her help in the end—especially for Raihan, who she considered a close friend. Gordie was much the same, thanking her properly after her help in his Stadium; glad to have it still standing in one piece. He joked his mother would have frozen him solid otherwise before he wandered off to speak with someone else.

The redhead took the time to note the other groups, such as Lance, Cynthia, and Raihan who was star-struck by the Johto Champion, but also lingered ever-close to the blonde-haired woman, who looked rather amused. She supposed she was glad for it; better the Sinnoh Champion find him funny than obnoxious, although Cassandra knew it would just be a flirtatious engagement, nothing more. Steven and Wallace, like-wise, were now hitting it off with Nessa, Milo, and Kabu of all things, although, then again, Wallace was a contest celebrity of model caliber and Nessa was a model and both were water types, so it made sense. Both were from Hoenn, too, so she could see why the Motostoke Gym Leader wished to speak to them and was well engaged with the former Champion. Whatever the case, it was fun to watch, and it was good to see the Galarians getting along with her associates. Even Silver was engaging in conversation, and it looked as though he was being well-received despite his biting demeanor. He'd spared her some words earlier, though mostly to come "rescue" him from the "prattle" when it got too much. Based on the fact he was still talking readily, Cassandra was pretty sure she wouldn't need to save her friend tonight. He might even find some new friends in Hop and Gloria, whom were gushing over his Team Rescue—a sure-way to get on his good side.

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