06 - Fear

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"No!" Leon screamed as Cassandra went over the edge, unable to stop herself. The Abomasnow was in a fury, and it took too much strength to rush over to her Pokémon, Boltund in his arms while Corviknight lumbered behind. Charizard and Arcanine finally found their footing and blasted fire at Alpha, forcing her back. Yet, the damage was done. A Blizzard had begun, and it wasn't going to stop any time soon—not with the ice-type Pokémon encouraging it even as she backed away. Her Icy Wind prior had done its toll, too, and Leon could only see ripples from where Cassandra had gone through the ice.

She hadn't come back up yet. There was a lot of blood on the snow.

"Take him," he told the Tyranitar, handing over Boltund. It wasn't the easiest thing with smaller arms, but he managed. "Get Lapras down there as soon as you can!"

Before any of the Pokémon could give him a questioning growl, he trudged back a few paces, and then sprinted off with a leap, diving down into the waters below. The freezing temperature almost made him lose all the air he held. He kept it together—just barely—and swam downward. Even with it being daytime, he could barely see. Still, he swiped with his arms and kicked with his legs, looking everywhere—there! He found her, slowly sinking further away. Bubbles slipped out little by little, as did blood from her side. He pumped his legs harder, fighting against the sharp cold. His body wanted to stop and turn around, but he forced himself to reach.

His fingers found cloth and he pulled her to him. He looked to the surface, and with the first stroke he realized how heavy they felt now. It was suddenly that much colder, too. Going down had been so easy compared to going up, and he was running out of air.

Another body slammed down into the water through the ice, and for a moment, he panicked. However, it turned to relief when he realized it was Lapras, zipping towards them with ease. He grasped hold of her shell spikes as soon as she was close and she tore to the surface, breaching with no trouble at all. He gasped for air, panting and shivering as he pulled Cassandra on better, rolling her to her back. The freezing wind that hit them brought out another gasp as he leaned over her.

He tapped tap and cupped her face, "'Cas? Cassandra! 'Cas!"

She wasn't breathing. Leon cursed, panic taking hold, but then sense found him again. Quickly, he intertwined his fingers and began to push down rapidly on her chest enough times he lost count and then pressed his lips to hers to breathe in air. The first time didn't work, causing desperation to join panic, but he kept at it, praying to Arceus she would cough up the water. By the third go dread was setting in strong, and it was only her sudden jerk, cough, and vomiting that let some relief through. It didn't last long, though; despite returning to life she was barely conscious as she hacked up the rest of the water. She was deathly cold and still bleeding—he could see red dribbling off with the water. She needed that wound treated, and she desperately needed to get warm. Now. He did, too, else they risked hypothermia.

Howls and calls come from above. Arcanine was trying to work his way down while the others were stuck up higher up besides his Charizard, whom descended to hover close. They wouldn't be able to get down, but neither could Lapras get up. Thankfully, Cassandra's pokéballs had remained on her belt, and the distance wasn't too far, so, with some work, he managed to get them all back safely inside including her injured pair. He left Lapras out to take them to shore where, stiffly he got himself and Cassandra to dry land, practically slumped on his shoulder, and then returned the water-type. He looked to his fire-type, who rumbled uneasily.

"D-do you kn-now the way bb-back—c-can you fly us-s-s?" he asked, but his Pokémon gave no sign of confidence. He cursed and brought Arcanine back out, whom whined and nuzzled his trainer wearily. Even half-conscious, she reached out to him, but it was a struggle.

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now