16 - Beloved (18+)

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Fluff and smut alert for you dirty, thirsty readers. Risque cover for risque chapter too xD

"Do we really need to go to the most expensive place?" Cassandra inquired, glancing around the store as Leon shifted through the formal jackets on the rack. Shirts and pants were all nearby, and on the other side of the building was the feminine wear. Dresses, formal dress tops, shoes, and more. Accessories took up the middle, and everything cost just about more than all the clothes she'd ever bought combined. An exaggeration, of course, but it certainly felt true. Not that she couldn't afford it—being a Champion came with perks, such as a hefty income, and since she was fairly frugal, her bank account was quiet large. When Leon just laughed, she had a feeling his pockets were even deeper.

"It has the best formal attire around, so, yes," he smirked and pulled out a red jacket that he soon matched to a white top. He held it up against his chest, brow raised. "So, how about this?"

"Red? Really?" she mused, brow raised right back. He just grinned, and she chuckled with a shake of her head. "Alright, alright, yes, red is your color. And I guess it does match with my hair."

"See? It's perfect. I'll even get tan pants to go with it."

She had to pause, "So... you're going to basically dress how you did when we first met. Only, with more fashion sense this time."

"Wha—hey! My outfit was fantastic. But, yes. I am, and you love me for it," he purred, his smirk all too mischievous.

"Uuuugh, I do. I really do," she snickered, and then waved her hand. "Alright, let me see what looks good in the ladies' section. Meet you at the changing room?"

"Make sure to give me a little show," Leon winked before sauntering off to the changing rooms at the back. Cassandra just laughed, shaking her head. Honestly, he was such a goofball, but she loved it—a lot. He never failed to make her laugh, and any moment with him was a happy ones, even when the mood might not be the brightest. Was this what being in love was then? If it was, she hoped it never faded.

At least for today, though, the feeling was going to keep very, very strong, and she wanted to make sure Leon had a sight to behold. It was a bit of a weird thought to have, wanting to dress in such a way he wouldn't take her eyes off her. She'd never truly dressed to impress before. At Champion or charity galas she'd only felt awkward and out of place. Yet, here, she actively went through the dresses and fancy shirts, trying to decide what would best make his eyes pop out of his head, and just maybe give him a boner. She couldn't help chuckling at the thought—and at herself for hoping to turn her boyfriend on. That was normal, though, right? After all, girlfriends and their boyfriends had sex. Eventually. They were bound to get there, right? Was it so wrong that she was excited by the thought?

'Arceus, 'Cas, you're a grown-ass adult. You've watched a porno before. You're a virgin, yes, but you're no innocent girl,' she chastised as she flipped through sone hanging shirts. She paused on a navy blue V-neck, that was almost dangerously low, and sleeves that went to her wrist. Oh, yes, that was lovely, and there were form fitting dress pants to match. Good.

Cassandra grinned as she ventured to the changing room—just in time for Leon to come out, buttoning up his suit jacket. She had to pause, ogling him quite obviously. It fit snugly, showing off his wide shoulders and slim, muscular waist. The pants were form-fitting, too, and he just looked the epitome of handsome. His grin betrayed the gentleman appeal, though, her boyfriend having noticed her admiration.

"Knew you'd like it."

"Shut-up," she chuckled, cheeks warming some. "Your turn next. Get ready to feast your eyes."

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now