15 - Reprieve

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Cue a cute chapter! Leon gets to properly introduce his gf to the kiddos! :D


Cassandra sighed as she watched her Pokémon lounging in the courtyard, mulling over the previous days' events. It had happened so fast that it wasn't until after they met Leon at the hospital and Hop fully regained his senses that she could really take it all in. Even then, it took a long night's sleep to be fully rested enough to understand any of it—namely that they really could have died back there, and not just from the Kings attacking them.

Her plan had been, as Bea said: crazy. If anything hadn't worked how it had, they'd all be dead, buried under rubble like some of the goons had been. Her gut still clenched at the thought of so much blood on her hands, even if they would have gladly hurt or even killed them, too. And if that wasn't enough to make her feel sick at times, it had been a damned miracle everything went right, and she hated herself for putting her Pokémon through that. They'd endured some harsh battles, but that cave-in had been rough. They were out like lights last night and ate at least two bowls of food using so much energy. Zacian had been much the same—Zamazenta was with Leon at the hospital—only, she still seemed a bit subdued. Cassandra worried, even as the warrior lay comfortably in the sunlight.

She didn't have her armor on at the moment, the power of the sword dormant. She was much smaller, it seemed, and the redhead properly noticed her missing ear then. Scars ran across the Pokémon's body, turning blue fur white. She had no doubt seen many battles, being such a warrior. 

Cassandra felt bad putting her through their ordeal. She deserved a nicer life than this.

I am a warrior, Chosen, in every fiber of my being. To not fight is to not live, her voice suddenly breached the redhead's mind, causing her to jump. Hot embarrassment came over her, and when she looked she saw the warrior was staring at her, awake now. She chuckled, We are bonded. I know what it is in your heart.

"Then you know why I'm worried—you were hurting back there," she sighed, coming over to sit beside her. Zacian rumbled, lowering her head to her light colored paws.

The battle with Eternatus is not an easy one. We would not be who we are if it was.

"That's no excuse. That energy is bad for you. It's hurting you."

Just as any blow hurts your other companions. It is the same, and I shall endure. My brother and I are strong, and you must remember this. You must believe in me and my power. If you do, I will not fail. 

Tentatively, she reached over and stoked Zacian's head gently. A pleased rumble came from the warrior's throat as she leaned into it.

"Heh. So, you like to be pet, too, huh?"

Even a warrior enjoys simple pleasures.

"Uh-huh... behind the ears, too, I bet?" she snickered, moving to just that spot, and watched as her head instinctively pushed into the touch and she rolled ever-so-slightly. She stopped a second later and  blinked in surprise. With a snort she rolled back up and huffed of all things.

Tell Zamazenta nothing or I will crush you.

Cassandra smirked, "Secrets safe with me. Now c'mere, and I'll keep it up."

Zacian snorted, as if too good for it, but ultimately brought her head to the redhead's lap, and endured a torturous round of soothing scratching around the head, behind the ears, and along the jaw and snout. It was a strange thing, having the Pokémon enjoying such simple attention, and being a legendary warrior at that. Yet, it was nice. She liked to think it was bringing them closer, but at the very least she was able to give the warrior a small measure of peace. She might live for battle, but even the strongest needed a moment to simply breathe. Zacian seemed to agree, her breathing become lax, and Cassandra had a feeling she'd fallen asleep.

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now