05 - Sword

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AN: y'all been spoiled by fluff enough, time for some fun >:) btw I use johto-jin for native Johto people because I saw it in a discussion about it and liked the idea. Kanto-jin, Sinnoh-jin, Hoen-jin or what not.


The day watching the Darumaka had been long, but in a way that had made it even better. They talked of most anything, not unlike when they fished, and laughs, jests, teases, and even somber words could be found throughout. Neither could recall talking so much to anyone about so much before, but it didn't feel weird. Perhaps it was their common understanding, or maybe it was just the right person at the right time. Either way, the hours felt like a short bliss, learning about Pokémon, regions, and cultures. It was only ended when the ice-type Pokemon finally dispersed on their own, and their stomached demanded to be fed. They returned then, and although dinner was quiet and talk more-so jokes and sharp wit, the sense of enjoyment remained and the things that drove them there felt far away.

It was a feeling Cassandra found she liked—a lot, and looking at Leon afterward felt different, too. It was silly, of course, and she was able to brush it off, but she was acutely aware of his presence in the tent that night. She couldn't help wondering if her companion might think the same, but she forbade such ideas from going too far and let her slumber take her.

Thankfully, she did not repeat her mistake of the morning before, and rose before Leon, who slept deeply. She decided to let him be, knowing he needed it. Based on what he'd told her, the life of a Champion, even after a loss, was almost insanity. He had no privacy to speak of and so little time to even see his family. She had been given plenty of freedom to do as she pleased in her time as a brand new Champion, and even working for the League wasn't so demanding. She pitied him, and wished he would take more breaks. He'd earned them.

But guilt and one's personal strife could bring one's self to do such things.

After all, what the hell was she doing out here if not the same thing?

Sighing, Cassandra left the tent to tend to her Pokémon and also Leon's. The lizard looked definitely better after two days, and he was stretching his wings more readily. He might even be ready to fly.

Was it weird she didn't want him to be?

She left the question unanswered as she came over to the Pokémon, offering to examine his injury. He agreed, and she began to poke and prod. In return, Charizard grumbled and shifted, making all sorts of complaints, and also making her job difficult.

"Oh, stop fussing you overgrown baby lizard," Cassandra scoffed, batting Charizard lightly on his rump, earning a grunt of surprise. An orange snout bumped her back, and she glared at the fire-type before returning her focus to his wings. She urged him to stretch his limbs to their full extent, and, once satisfied, stepped away. She held out a berry for him, which he gladly chomped down. With a pleased rumble he stared at her expectantly. The red-haired woman set her hands on her hips, "Looks like you're all healed up for the most part. I'd say you can finally go for a test flight—but take it easy! And take Corviknight with you so you have a backup. No, no no-don't you give me that look. I know that's sass. You get it from Leon. So, hush. You have to be careful when it comes to wing injuries. Corvi is just there to alert us if something goes wrong so, no buts!"

The Charizard narrowed its eyes, glaring, and she did the same right back. Ultimately, the Pokémon huffed and grumbled, but nodded with a flick of the tail.

"Atta, boy," she grinned, rubbing him gently under the chin, which brought out a pleased purr.

"Now that's just not fair," the familiar voice of her "guest" called out, and she turned to find Leon leaning against the cave wall, arms folded, and brow raised. "You never purr for me and I give you plenty of affection!"

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now