17 - Blood

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Early update because I made you guys wait! :) Song this time instead of a cover... I couldn't quite convey what I wanted in a picture because so much happens XD;; You can probably play the song from the beginning and it'd last to the end 'cause it's long haha


Three more days passed with nothing—not even a trace of the brothers.

It was too much to believe they had died down in the den, especially when Eternatus wasn't there. If the Pokémon had been buried under the rubble, it's unstable energy still would give off a signature of some kind, especially if the ball had been cracked. Yet, there was nothing. It was infuriating to everyone, though in some ways they were glad for it. The crowd was more at ease after the press conference, and had taken up busying themselves over Gloria, their Champion returned, and Cassandra and Leon's relationship now that it was official. A bombardment of both support, hate, and endless questions came their way, which made the redhead glad she didn't have a Pokégram, although many of her newfound friends and fans wished she did. With her boyfriend adding into the mix she was sure she'd have to at some point, but today. Whatever the case, Leon was happy and proud to show her off, and Raihan could finally post his secret shots. It was cute, in a way.

Still, the thought of the brothers weighed heavily on their minds, and the other Leagues still were not in Galar yet. There had been shaky weather on the water, causing some delays, but they would hopefully arrive by evening or tomorrow—she prayed for the former. Until then, though, they had done their best to stay occupied; Raihan working to continue repairs in the ruined Energy Plant in the castle when he wasn't training with them; Gloria spending as much time with Hop and her mother as possible; and she and Leon spending any second they could with one another, which was harder than she thought. League work kept him busy and would leave him tired, but he always made time for her, which they happily spent bonding with their Pokémon—and at night alone together.

Indeed, it had been a blissful three days, and their fourth looked to be going to the same; Leon had the day off, and so they happily spent it in the courtyard of the Vault apartments. Gloria and Hop had joined them, though they were inside, doing whatever it was teens liked to do. The older pair, however, were content to sit out on the bench with all the Pokémon, watching them interact with one another. Cassandra was especially glad to see Zacian and Zamazenta engaging with the others, even playing some. She felt closer to the Pokémon, too, haven't spent many hours over the last few days talking about Galar's past and their many battles. They had much to tell, and both enjoyed a good ear rub.

"So, what do you want to do tonight? We have a lot of free time later," he hummed, holding her sideways in his lap. He had leaned back against the rail behind them so she could lie against him, his arms holding her in place.

"Well, this is pretty nice to be honest. Although I guess we could have some extra fun, too," she hummed playfully.

Leon growled in a husky tone, "Don't you go teasing me like that. I might just not be able to resist."

"Good, all part of my master plan," she smirked back. "Best part? Raihan's not here, so he can't make a post about it."

"It is perfect, isn't it? Maybe I will give in then," he purred, sitting up proper so he could brush his lips past her neck. She shivered but pushed it back with a laugh.

", just hold that thought until tonight, alright? We did promise to have double-team battles with Hop and Gloria after lunch," she chuckled, turning to face him better.

He clicked his tongue, "Damn. We did, didn't we? Fine, fine, I'll be patient. Hop's been dying to fight you, anyways, and our Pokémon could use the extra experience since we haven't properly battled since the den."

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