20 - Reunions

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And the final chapter begins....

The story hit 3k views!! Thanks so much everyone :)

And special thanks to autumnfalls911 who made me realize I needed to add some scenes to this chapter, which make it so much better xD


Two weeks later

Unova, Victory Road

A lot had changed since she left three years ago.

For one, the destruction caused by Team Plasma had been mostly cleared away, although rubble still remained on the road to the Elite-4's new domain. Victory road was much the same, save for parts of the caves where she recognized the ruins of N's castle or changes in paths she didn't remember. She didn't know how the castle had remained here, but it gave her an easy trial to follow, although the ruins soon turned to regular cave floor and then opened up into the mountainous area before reaching the final stretch to the Elite-4's headquarters. Thanks to the information Alder gave her, she knew to divert before reaching the building on high, and instead ventured right, going down a set of stairs to a series of tunnels and more paths to bring her to cave far off from the rest. It was technically off limits to trainers, she knew, having passed by signs serving as warnings to any passerby.

Cassandra was still going to go in, though. She technically had "permission" to do so, and she'd come to Unova for this—among other things. This was one of the first stops she knew she had to do, though. An old friend was waiting for her there; one she couldn't leave alone; one she couldn't let suffer like she had. So, she pressed onward.

The cave was a bit darker than the road itself, although she could see the glow of a dim light in the distance—down below the sharp drop of the ledge on her right. She couldn't see it yet, and imagined there had to be a stairwell somewhere, but she was sure the glow was where the castle had to be, lit by crystals powered seemingly by nothing. She always remembered the marvel that was N's castle, both amazing and terrifying all at the same time. The inside was the epitome of palatial style and grandeur, the tiles all perfect squares of marble in different shades and not a single decoration not the best of the best. It was a palace fit for a King—for N. Ironically, though, she had to admit the castle always felt more like a cage when she chased N through it.

And then it had become a grave.

Memories of that day filled her mind, but she didn't try to push them away this time. She couldn't—not anymore. She'd swore to Leon she would become a better person; to be a stronger person, and to do that, she had to accept all that happened, be it good or bad. Even if hurt, she had to remember, and force herself to keep walking forwards.

She did pause, though, when one of her pokéballs suddenly flared and Zoroark emerged, ears erect and aimed forward. It stretched its body to full height, eyes watching intensely ahead. Cassandra followed his gaze, and gasped.

Not even a hundred feet away she finally saw it; a familiar figure, somewhat obscured by the dark. She could see enough, however, to know it was another Zoroark, and by the way hers was acting, she knew it had to be his brother. N's Zoroark partner. The one that had helped bring them together so long ago—the once small, little dark-furred Zorua, who came bounding up and pounced on his brother. She couldn't help smiling at the memory, or the surprise on N's face when he realized how happy her Pokémon were with her; especially her fire-type. Her friend had once told her he'd never seen a Pokémon love a human as much as her Arcanine had.

Now they were both were gone, and both she and N's Zoroark remained.

The world really could be cruel, although in the end, she knew there was always hope. For her, it was in the form of a small Charmander, who rested peacefully in her pokéball. And for the dark-type Pokémon staring at them intently? Yes, there was still hope. He wouldn't have to suffer alone anymore.

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