14 - Rescue

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I just BS'd and went dumb with the cover lmao


Cassandra looked about the meeting room of the Vault, taking in the seven new faces. Milo. Nessa. Kabu. Bea. Bede. Gordie. Piers. Raihan made the final Gym Leader, but the others she was meeting for technically the second time. They didn't know her, of course, beyond that she was Leon's girlfriend—the news had spread like wildfire thanks to Raihan—and that she was their link to the foreign Leagues. Of course, that's not why they were all here. Rather, it was time to make their first move against the enemy. To be specific: they were finally going to rescue Hop and Gloria. As such, they'd all been summoned from across Galar, their Gyms left to their subordinates while they discussed matters here with each other and their former Champion and herself.

The redhead couldn't help feeling just a bit out of place, though; even now as they waited for Sonia they were conversing among themselves like old friends, which she supposed they were. The Leaders were all rather closely involved, certainly more-so than back home. Sure, the Johto Leaders knew everyone and would have yearly meetings, but the Galarian group were far more casual. She'd heard many hung out with each other on a regular basis, and some even had their own rivalries such as Nessa—with Milo. Not exactly the best rival to choose considering the type difference, and the fact the grass-type Gym Leader didn't seem to acknowledge the existence of it, but what did she know?

All in all, it made her think of a family, of which she was technically an outsider, too. An "in-law", of sorts, only she was just "the girlfriend".  

"So, Cassy, right?" the woman sitting on Leon's left inquired. It was Nessa, her dark skin color and blue highlights that matched her eyes unmistakable. 

She chuckled, "Cassandra, or 'Cas for short. Only my mom calls me 'Cassy'."

"I feel you, 'Cas it is. So you're a Champ back home? Or was it Grand Champ? Super Champ? You guys have a lot of titles."

"Ha! Maybe compared to you guys, but it's just Indigo that has the double title thanks to our set up. But, yes, I'm a Grand Champion since I conquered both Johto and Kanto Gyms and beat the Elite Four twice. Since they use a stronger set of Pokemon if you have all sixteen badges, it's considered a huge deal. They throw even more at you than before," she explained, Nessa's brow rising as she did so.

"It's sound complicated, but fun."

"More like time-consuming, traveling two entire regions. It takes at least two years to become a Grand Champ,and that's if you're training religiously. A lot of people just finish one side of the League and they're content with that."

Leon smirked, winking at the woman, "She's just an over achiever."

"So, naturally, they're perfect for each other," Raihan snickered, shooting a toothy grin towards all of them. 

"Sorry to butt in, but you've been to other regions, too, right—that's why you know so many Champions?" a young man with pale skin, stocky build, and hair and freckles to match her own asked next. His green eyes were warm, vibrant, and welcoming. He was like a cuddly Teddiursa. It took her a minute, but she remembered he was Milo. He was apparently a Wooloo farmer, and his hat, resting on the table in front of him, certainly matched the profession.

"No, you're fine, and yes—I've been all over my home land's continent. We have Hoenn to the south east, then up towards the north is Sinnoh and Unova. There's other regions I haven't visited yet, but probably will at some point. Galar is the farthest I've ever been from home, though," she chuckled.

"Oh wow. Your culture must be pretty different, huh? Even your accent is."

"Oh, definitely. We're a lot more... hmm... low-key, I guess? We don't have nearly as industrial of settings except in maybe Goldenrod. Although, Kanto's probably a bit more similar to here—they've really been upgrading over the last few years thanks to the speed rail. But Johto still retains a lot of its ancestral feel. Kimonos are even still in fashion back home."

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