10 - Rose

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I was lazy and just googles a serious face-Rose picture. Forgive meeee. The fluff in this one is worth it. Raihan is also worth it.


Charizard brought them down in a courtyard of one of the castle-like buildings in Hammerlocke, which was, thankfully much warmer than over the mountains. It hadn't been freezing this time, and with a blizzard not brewing the flight had been quicker than before. Still, she was grateful to feel only slightly cool air as the Pokémon touched down. Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief as Leon helped her lean up. 

He grinned as impishly as ever at her, "Not a bad ride, huh? Perk of owning a Charizard."

"I still think I prefer a Taxi—no offense Charizard," she chuckled, patting the Pokémon that growled unhappily at her. The redhead looked back to their positioning and then Leon's face. "So, uh, how do you want me to slip off here?"

"Oh, hold on I'll—," he started, but just as he did—a click, like a shutter of a camera, went off. The two trainers' heads swung to find a Rotom just feet away. Further back was a face they both knew, and painted across the dark-skinned visage was the most shit-eating grin she'd ever seen. 

"Yo, Leon, when you called, I thought it was for an emergency—not to introduce me to your girlfriend!" the young man laughed, cyan eyes bright with mischievousness. Both Cassandra and Leon's cheeks went bright red.

"I'm not—."

"She's not—."

The young man just laughed more and walked right on over, holding out his hand, "I kid. Here, I'll help you down, 'not-girlfriend'."

"Raihan!" Leon growled, but his rival only snickered as Cassandra took his offer, and, with help from Leon for balance, slid off Charizard without making it too awkward. The purple-haired man followed in suit, and just as the Gym Leader reached to shake the redhead's hand, his rival's pokeballs flared to life. All at once his team emerged and pounced, making all kinds of a fuss. Rillaboom scooped the young man up into his arms, angry and crying at the same time as he smooshed his face into Leon's. His Haxorus like-wise hissed and growled unhappily, but still tugged on his shirt affectionately. His Aegislash looked mighty upset, tears in its eyes, and the same could be said for his Rhyperior and Dragapult, who slapped him with his claws lightly. Leon took it all in stride, laughing and hugging them all back as best he could while apologizing profusely. 

The other two watched, bemused, and finally shook hands.

"Leon gave it away, as I'm sure the press has, too, but I'm Raihan, the infamous Dragon Tamer, Galar's one and only strongest Gym Leader, and Leon's number one rival," he beamed, hands on hips with chest puffed up proudly.

She quirked a brow, "I'm Cassandra and that was a mouthful. I hope they don't call you humble, too."

"What can I say, love? When you know you're amazing, you know," he smirked, shrugging innocently. He paused to regard her, rubbing his chin with a thoughtful hum, "Leon said you were strong, but I don't remember you—have you beaten my gym?"

"She beat you a while ago—she has your badge to prove it. She probably just whipped you too quick for your pride to remember," Leon grinned, finally free of his team's attention, and enjoying Raihan's frown at the thought of his Pokémon falling so easily. "But, hey, don't be too down. She's a multi-League Champion, so it makes sense."

The dark-skinned man's eyes widened a bit, "Wait—you're not from here? Guess that explains the accent."

"Johto, actually. Been to Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and now Galar. Grand Champion back home, and also Champions in Sinnoh and Hoenn both. Left Unova early, and didn't want the attention here," she explained with a small grin. "But as much as I love to compare our dic—I mean accomplishments right now, I think we need to get a move on. The 'bad guys' kind of know Leon's back in action."

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