09 - Heist

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Click on the chapter image to view the comic xD This was a fun chapter to write 


Their "mission" started two days later, when they were sure Cassandra's side was healed up enough to where it didn't cause much pain. There was still tenderness, but not to where she would wince unless she was struck hard. She assured them she was fine, and from there it was a matter of outfit. Luckily Sonia already had extra clothes for her to use. She was subsequently adorned in a slightly baggy hoody and snug jeans along with a cap from Leon and shades that had been lying around. At most she could pass for an older teen dressing in an up-start style, but that worked in their favor. She would keep her Pokémon hidden slightly under her top, just to keep up the illusion.

Originally, it was planned to take a Taxi, but the question of a possible ambush came up, and Leon demanded to go along as back up. He might have just had Charizard, but that would work in their favor in case they had to make a quick exit—all he would have to do was pick Cassandra up and zip away. Yes, the enemy would find out he was for sure alive—if they didn't already—but by then they would be back in Postwick and they would have two Champion-level teams to fight with. It might cause some problems with their future plans, but Leon's team would help change the tide. 

With that settled, Sonia wished them good luck in the early morning hour they left. They had yawned their thanks, both of them having stayed up to both plan and talk. Most of it was about future goals and what the enemy might do, but ultimately it ventured into frivolous talk, jokes, and teases, and even playful flirts, though there was nothing behind it—at least, that's what Cassandra told herself. She was pretty sure he'd traded such glib with Sonia, anyways, although she didn't recall the ginger talking as much. The professor had even excusing herself to bed before them at one point while they had stayed up a few too many hours more. Cassandra hadn't meant to, but, truthfully, she hadn't even realized time had been flying by. The hours meant nothing around Leon, and she enjoyed hearing about his childhood and journey to be Champion. Likewise, he asked her as much as he could about her own journey and the Pokémon she'd seen, the Champions she'd faced; and all about her ranch back home along with the Legendary Pokémon she'd encountered again. Not once did his curiosity seem insincere, and she couldn't help blushing every so often as she realized, yet again, how attentive he was.

Not many people, especially the men she'd liked, were.

Still, she didn't dare let herself think too far, and instead enjoyed the notion that after talking so much she felt like she'd known him forever. Certainly, she trusted him completely, and so was actually quite glad he came with her to Wyndon, riding on the back of his Charizard—and not just for the close proximity as they flew; him holding her with his arm around her waist while he pressed into her back to keep her snug against the Pokémon.

Thank Arceus he couldn't see her red cheeks, and that the flight was only a few hours.

Wyndon was as she remembered, except the Battle Tower, although back then it had been Rose Tower, named for the former owner. Leon has taken over post-arrest and his loss as Champion, and it looked much livelier and more welcoming. Even in the early morning, people were strewn about with their own Pokémon or just chatting. The Tower itself was imposing at one thousand feet tall, with the main battle arena at the very top in the circular dome enclosed with see-through glass. Yet, despite being intimidating it was rather accommodating to trainers and guests of all kinds. For instance, and per her comrade's description, if a guest wanted, they could leave their Pokémon with the facility's day care from about 10 AM to 4 PM, after which they would be returned via room service. As it stood, they've arrived just shy of 9 AM. They had one hour before the Pokémon would be moved, which meant they were still in his apartment—up near the very top on the Champion floor. It was reserved for those who had the highest rankings and special guests like Gym Leaders, and of course for Champions including ex ones like himself.

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