
911 31 5

dear no one,

love, a beautiful thing
the warm feeling of love
with someone precious
love could be the reason
for someone's life
the power it hold
could torn you into pieces

p/s: why i wrote this lmao i don't even have a boyfriend



she fold the paper into a paper planes, standing by the rooftop and threw it without any second thought.

"what if it stuck between the tree's branches? oh shit, i should choose the right spot."

chae mentally face-palm because she threw the paper planes near the school's garden, which happens to have lots of tall trees.

"ah, fuck that. no one's going to realise that paper plane anyways,"


the paper plane flew across the school's building, the garden and it lay on someone's table.

"hmm? what is this?"

he unfold the paper plane, realising there is a message written on the paper.

"dear no one.."

he continues to read, unknowingly he let out a chuckle at the postscript part and gained his friends attention.

"what is that?" his friend, jeno take the paper from his hands and examine it.

"eahc? what kind of name is that?"

"how would i know," jaemin stare at the paper with curiosity in his eyes.

"maybe some kind of joke, this is trash." jeno is about to crumpled the paper and threw it away but jaemin stopped him.

"wait! i want the paper,"

"what for?"

"i don't know, it seems interesting." he grinned and jeno sighed while giving it back to him.

"i want to know who is this person," he thought.

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now