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this chapter will explain about what happened to chae and her family.

// tw //

warning : there will be mention of sensitive content like suicidal and bully.

for the people who feel uncomfortable reading it, you can skip the part (i already put a sign below)


few years ago

"jung chaehyun! sit properly, do not bend your back!" her mother harshly said.

they were taking family photos, since her brother graduated from high school today.

chae rolled her eyes and fixed her sitting position. it's just a small matter, who would care about it?

"just few more shots.... and done!"

the photographer announced, and her mother quickly rushed to the front to see his work.

"good luck on the first year of high school, kiddo." her brother, jaehyun softly patted her head.

"yeah and congratulations on your graduation," chae replied, hugging her brother's torso.

chae and her brother have a good relationship. jaehyun never mistreat her sister even though lots of people keep comparing both of them.


their parents threw a fancy party for celebrating jaehyun's graduation and before he left to study in overseas.

relatives and friends were invited too. chae personally hates crowd, but she went through it for her brother.

it was located at a fancy restaurant which everyone knows costs a fortune. but the jungs family is rich.

but something happened at the party, and affected them until now.


chae's p.o.v.

ugh, when will this over?

i glanced at my wristwatch, 9.24 p.m. there's still two hours until the party is over.

"chaehyun, you should be like your brother! he just graduated and got accepted to prestigious university!"

the same shits i heard over and over again. my brother hugged my shoulder, telling me to ignore their words.

"you're going to choose your own path. don't let anyone tell you what to do!"

jaehyun never fails to make me happy. honestly, he's the best siblings i could ever had.

"i will, don't worry about me!" i poked his cheek, earning a giggle from him.

"let's go out for a walk, i'm tired of being here," jaehyun suggested.

i denied, "you're the spotlight tonight, everyone will be looking for you!"

"who cares! i want to spend some time with my sister before i leave."

"you said like you're going to leave forever! it's only canada,"

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