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dear no one,

you wished for
a better life
but someone
wished to have
your life
why can't we all
be thankful?

p/s: learn to appreciate



just another day in chae's life.

she was in class, swiping her phone since the teacher was absent and they had free time for themselves.

until she stumbled across an article on the internet.

"homeless people found dead under the bridge, freezing to death"

"i wish you're in better place there, you suffered a lot in this world," she silently prayed.

she continued to read the articles until it finished, and swipe her phone again.

not until she heard some girls behind her talking loudly.

"my family just move away yesterday, the house is bigger than the last one but my room is so small!"


"yeah! i want the master bedroom but there's only one, so my parents took it."

"can't relate, after my parent divorce their master bedroom is belong to me, i never been so happy before."

"you're so lucky!"

"you guys have your own bedroom while i need to share with my sister, ugh."

chae rolled her eyes at the end of the conversation. the girls didn't know how much lucky they were.

if you have a rooftop above your head, you're lucky enough than 40% people in the world.

why can't they appreciate what they had? why humans are so full of greed?

she took out a piece of paper, and wrote down the things that were in her mind.

"chaehyun, mr. hao is calling you and he want the report for the club,"

a girl who was in the same club as chae showed up in her class. chae nodded, and took out the report.

before she could left her class, she suddenly thought of going to the rooftop after sending the report. she could threw the paper planes.

so chae took the paper with her out of the class, making her way to the teacher's office.


not her luck, someone who was rushing bumped into her and both of them fell down with tons of papers flying.

"crap!" a raspy voice shouted.

chae, who fall on her butt groaned. in front her, it was a senior based on his name tag colour.

"oh no, i'm so sorry!" he said and offered her his hands.

chae, without second thought pushed the hands and stood up by her own.

"thank you, but no." she said.

"na jaemin," she said quietly to herself when she saw the senior's tag.

she helped him to collect the papers that were scattered around them.

"sorry, i was rushing to send these paper works to the principle. are you okay?"

with a worried voice, jaemin asked the girl. she seems so cold to him but she still helped him to collect the paper.

"yeah. take this,"

she handed him the papers she collected before taking her report book and walking away.

all of the girls in school would be happy if they bumped into na jaemin, but this girl don't.

which made jaemin confused.

"maybe she's in rush too- oh, i still need to send this!"

he immediately ran to the principle office but in careful way this time.


jaemin examined the paper works again, he don't want to made any mistakes in front of the principle.

an odd piece of paper catch his eyes. he immediately fold it and slipped into his pockets.

"ok jaemin, you can go back to your class now. thank you," the principle said, and jaemin bowed before walking away.

on his way to the class, he took out the paper and read the words on it.

"it seems familiar- isn't this the paper plane poems writing?"

"how can it be in the paper stacks?"

jaemin started to think about at the moment where he collect the papers and-

"the girl who i bumped into is eahc!"

he immediately regret for not looking at her name tag, he only remembered her faces.

"there's 800 students in this school, how can i find her?" he sighed.


chae was about to took the stairs to the rooftop, realised that her paper is gone.

"where did i lost it?!"

she went back to the place she walked through, but found nothing.

"it's okay, someone probably thinks it's useless and throw it away,"

chae shrugged it off and walked back to her class like nothing ever happened before.

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now