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dear no one,

let me be
the way i want to
is it so hard
to please everyone?
it's never enough
for them

p/s : i wanna be myself, i don't care.



"do you guys know any junior who have short hair with bangs, round face and deep dimples both of cheeks?"

jaemin asked the group when they're having their lunch time.

"i don't know, i'm not a fucking shazam," haechan replied, before taking a bite of his meal.

"chenle? do you have someone like that in your class?" jaemin still wouldn't give up.

"hyung, there's so many girls with short hair and bangs in my class."

chenle answered him, and jaemin still unsatisfied with the answer.

"name, what's her name?" renjun nudged jaemin with his elbow.

"it is because i don't know her name, i asked you guys about this girl."

"are you even sure that this girl exists in our school? not your imagination?"

"yes! i bumped into her yesterday, i really want to know who is she."

"good luck then, there are around 400 girls in our school. enjoy your searching," jeno patted his shoulder.

jaemin quietly huffed in annoyance. all he want is to know who is this girl, but it seems like his friends had no idea too.


as always, chae sat alone on the rooftop at the lunch time.

but this time, she was hugging her knees, questioning her existence.


"jung chaehyun, i saw your quiz paper yesterday. why did you get 98% only? it's supposed to be 100%!"

the first thing she heard when she arrived home. her mother was waiting for her at the living room, with the paper on her hands.

"why do you need to be careless? you could get 100%!"

she's used to this. her mother would nagged her at her if she doesn't get the perfect score-

"listen when i'm talking!" she flinched at her mother's voice.

"why can't you be like your brother? he was perfect, never failed!"

"i just missed 2% mum, it's still an A+," she tried to defense herself, but that made her mom even angrier.

"your brother wouldn't do such careless mistake! if should be you who died that time!"

the same phrases she heard since the incident, and never stop hearing it.

"go to your room, and study harder! i want you to get 100% next time!"

she went upstairs immediately, and locked her door. tears started to falling from her eyes.

"why is it so hard to please everyone?"


she wrote whatever comes to her mind, with few droplet of tears fell on the paper.

few minutes later, the bell rang, signalling the lunch time is over.

taking one last breath, she threw the paper she folded into paper plane from the rooftop.


jaemin is seated alone on the garden bench with the school magazine on his lap.

he borrowed the book just to find the girl's face and profile. but it seems impossible since there are a lot of students.

the bell rang, and he deeply sighed before closing the book.

he got up, and walked to his classroom. but then, a paper plane that sticked on a bonsai tree caught his attention.

he took the paper plane, and read what's written inside today.

he examined the paper, since it feels a little wet. but then he realised it was tears.

"why did she cried?"


i think i'm getting better at writing the poem instead of copying lyrics

am i? 🤡

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