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seven years later

"jaemin-sshi, are you free tomorrow?"

jaemin who was editing some pictures in his computer tilted his head to the person's direction.

"yeah, why?" he asked.

"the photographer who supposed to take our client's pictures broke his arm yesterday, can you replace him?"

his colleagues asked, clasping his hands together. jaemin nodded, agreeing since he was free anyways.

"sure, where is the location at? what time?" he opened up his planner, ready to write the informations.

"at the neozone garden, 6pm. our client is said to be a famous idol, i'll text you her manager's phone number later."

"okay," he successfully wrote everything he needs, and the colleague thanked him before closing his office door.


" 0707-0813-127xx - jeong chaeyoung. "

his phone buzzed, signalling there's a message received. he tapped on the notification and save the number.

somehow, he felt something when he saw the name 'chae'.

"maybe i heard that name somewhere," he convinced himself before dialling the manager's number.


a deep yet feminine voice greeted him.

"may i talk to chaeyoung-sshi?"

"this is chaeyoung talking,"

"oh, i'm the photographer that will be in charge of the photoshoot tomorrow. i just want to confirm with you again, neozone garden, 6pm right?"

"isn't bomin in charge for the photoshoot?"

'they must have been using the company's service, she even knew one of the photographer's name,' jaemin said to himself.

"bomin broke his arm yesterday, i will replace him tomorrow. you can confirm with the headquarters if you want to,"

"i'll confirm it later. may i know who's speaking?"

"oh, sorry for not introducing myself. it's jaemin speaking,"

"okay, i'll call you back when they confirm it's you." the manager calmly stated.

"okay, i'll be waiting." and jaemin ended the call afterwards.

few minutes later, his phone rang and jaemin immediately pick it up.


"okay jaemin-sshi, i'll see you tomorrow at the neozone garden. please do not be late, yeri won't tolerate with late behaviour."

"noted. have a good night,"

"have a good night too," she replied, before pressing the red 'hang up' button.

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