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dear no one,

discouraged by the
unfriendly gaze they gave
and your problem is?
let's just ignore and go
i don't care
and never will

p/s : some people really need to have manner lessons again :)



"hi, can i seat here?" chae politely asked a group of girls that were sitting on the canteen's table.

they glared at her for few seconds, and whispering among themselves until someone replied her.

"no, you can't. these seats are provided for us. only us. shoo,"

the girl who replied her made the 'shoo' hand gesture with a cynical smile.

"really? because i can't see your name carved on the goddamn table,"

chae only brave enough to whisper those words to herself. unless she would want to be bully by the girls.

"i see, thank you... putang ina bobo," chae slightly smile before walking away, leaving the girls dumbfounded.

"what did she said?"

"something bobo?"


at last, she ended up sitting at the rooftop, enjoying her lunch.

of course, she did wrote something on a piece of paper and fold it into paper plane.

"hope this will stuck in one of the girls' hair, they're gonna be so mad," she said, and watched the paper plane flew.



a high pitch voice called his name and making jaemin to turn around.

"what do you want?" he replied, without sparing any glance at the owner of the voice.

"are you going home? let's go home together!" the girl with her friend look at him with pleading eyes.

"i'm walking with jeno, and our route is different. bye."

before he could leave, the girl screamed. he rolled his eyes, "what?!"

jaemin saw a paper plane stuck in the girl's hair. what a funny sight.

without thinking twice, he pulled the paper plane from her hair with a smile plastered on his face.

"thank you jaemin. who is that childish throwing paper planes around?!" she said while patting her hair.

"as least the person isn't a plastic," jaemin said, leaving the girls.

"dude, tell me that you didn't say that to them," jeno nudged him.

"they kinda deserve it," he commented, unfolding the paper plane.

"why do i see you with paper planes these days?" jaemin ignored the latter and proceed to read the poem written.

"who hurt you ?" he whispered to himself after read the poem.

the poem is based on sunshine by stray kids. :)

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