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dear no one,

how much sorrow can I take?
when this love is over?
hold your hands upon my head
till I breathe my last breath
will wonders ever cease?
blessed be the mystery of love

p/s : my time is up, i never regret any of this. i hope we'll meet in another life.




like usual, jaemin will barge in her classroom and pulled her to the roof to have lunch together.

but turns out chae wasn't in her classroom. did she left the class earlier?


"here you are!" jaemin exclaimed when he spot the girl at the same place she always sit.

"hey nana," she smiled.

"why don't you wait for me?" jaemin pouted, and chae couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"i won't do it again, i promise," she pinched his cheek softly. "because i don't have any chance to after this."

she spoke to herself in the last sentence and took a look at the beautiful human being in front of her.

"why am i so lucky to have you?"

"no no, it supposed to be me who said that. i'm luckier to have you." jaemin cheekily said.

seeing jaemin in a happy mood made chae even sadder. how can she told him the truth?

"jaemin, i have something to tell you."

"yeah, sure. what is it?"

"not now, but meet me at here, after school today. can you make it?"

chae silently prayed that jaemin could make it. this is her last chance with him.

"sure, anything for you!"

jaemin grinned happily, because he thought that chae's finally going to confess at him.

but, will her?


the school already ended few minutes later. with heavy footsteps, chae went up to the rooftop and bring along the paper she wrote the peom at.

she saw jaemin on the school ground, waving at her while walking towards the school building.

"jaemin!" she shouted.


"catch this!"

then, chae threw the paper plane and it flew. jaemin quickly followed chae's instruction, to catch the paper plane.

"wait for me yeah!" he shouted, before chasing the piece of flying paper.

"i will!"

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now