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dear no one,

i felt sparks
he is no one
please don't
it's dangerous

p/s : stranger, you're cute :)



jaemin was assigned by his teacher to take the books at the office.

he sighed, "why the teacher likes me so much? why can't she pick anyone else?"

as he walking to the office, he pass through lots of classroom. but he never look inside, not interested.

but when he passed through a junior grade class, his eyes went inside.

and coincidentally met someone's eyes for a milliseconds before breaking the eye contact.

he feels something for a second.

but he still continues his journey to the teacher's office.


"who is that?"

chae kept thinking of the boy who passed through her classroom just now.

their eyes met for a milliseconds but it enough to make her feels something.


but then she shook her head, shrugging off the feelings off her chest.

"nah, i don't even know who is him. ignore it, chae,"

she told herself, before continued on focusing the class lesson.


jaemin was frustrated, because until now, he still couldn't figure out who is that mysterious girl.

at the lunch time, he went to the rooftop with (again) the magazine school in his hands.

"when will i-"

he saw a girl, sitting on the bench with books on her lap while she was eating her lunch.

he accidentally closed the door, making sounds and the girl turned her head to the noise direction.

and both of them look at each other for a few seconds, until jaemin broke the silence.

"ah- just continue whatever you're doing, ignore me!"

he awkwardly stated, and she nodded, ignoring his presence. she continued on reading her book while biting her bread.

jaemin, and the behind try hard not to squeal or make any inhuman noises because he was excited.

he found the girl.

right now, he only need a way to be friends with her, or have some words with her.


chae turned her head, with annoyance shown on her face. jaemin stopped his words, he don't want her to get mad.

what does this guy want? chae asked, but only in her heart.

"so, why are you here?"

great. just great. what a wonderful way to start a conversation, na jaemin.

"what do you want?"

"i want your lov-" jaemin stopped his words again, because he knew this girl won't flutter by his flirt.

"nothing, can i be your friend?"

chae furrowed her eyebrows, and closed her book. she stood up and fixed her skirt before looking at jaemin.

"you're weird,"

she walked away, leaving jaemin alone on the rooftop.

"jaemin you idiot!"


at class, chae can't stop thinking of the boy, who she met earlier at rooftop.

"yeah, he's weird. but what is this feelings?"

after a while, she took out a piece of paper and wrote about her feelings.

the bell rang, signalling the school is over.

she packed her stuff, before taking the stairsway to the school rooftop.

"please come again tomorrow,"

she silently pray, before watching the paper plane flew across the building.


"jaem, are you coming with us?" jeno asked him, but he shook his head.

"i need to take something from my locker, just go on. i'll catch up later,"

"sure, see ya."

jeno and the rest of the gang walked away, leaving jaemin alone. he walk to the locker hallway, and opened his locker.

after he finished taking the stuff he needs, he locked it and walk to the school ground.

just like that, a paper plane flew across in front of him. he jumped a little, and caught it.

jaemin unfolded the paper, and smiled when he looked at the content.

"i guess you're interested with me huh?"

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now