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since i want to make the story end around like 10-12 chapters, i decided to fast forward to where chae started to opened up to jaemin.


it's been a while since jaemin saw any paper planes flying around the school.

chae decided to stop writing those poems. jaemin told her to express her feelings at him, not a piece of paper.

do both of them realise they like each other? yes.

do any of them confess yet? no.

jaemin was afraid of chae's rejection, while chae was afraid of commitment.

so, they both stay as friends, but we all know that they both are more 'friend'.


"chae, what made you wrote the poems?" jaemin asked the girl when they were sitting on the rooftop bench at lunch.

"it express my feelings in a different way, and not everyone could understand it, that's a bonus."

jaemin softly smiled at her, and she couldn't face him because of she was a blushing mess.

"may i ask you a question?"

jaemin been dying to know what's going on with the girl. sometimes, he knows chae have problems but she always hide it.

"sure, what is it?" thankfully, chae's face already back to normal or else the boy surely will tease her.

"why do you alw-" jaemin stopped at his words. maybe it's not the best time to ask her.

"yes, nana?"

"i mean, why do you prefer to be called chae than chaehyun?"

he managed to think of a question, which is a relief for him. he was curious about this too.

she sadly smiled, "whenever people called me chaehyun, i feel like i becoming my brother's clone."

"what do you mean?"

"my brother and i have the almost same name. but we both are so different."

"can i know why?" carefully, he asked.

"he was the perfect child in my parent's eyes, while me, a mistake that shouldn't exists in this world.

they always compared me with him. every single time. sometimes, i even wish that i was never born."

chae ended the sentences with a sighed. she would never want to tell anyone these, but jaemin changed it.

"you're not a mistake. you're the most wonderful things that could ever existed in this world.

don't make yourself look bad. everyone have something special about them and they doesn't realised it."

jaemin patted the girl's head. he never knows how complicated her life is. he was glad that she finally opened up to him.

"thank you jaemin,"

she scooted closer to him, and.....


jaemin received a peck on the cheek. he touch the side with his hand, feeling tingling sensation in his stomach.

"what was that for?"

"nothing, i feel like you deserve it."

"i deserve a peck on the lips, not the cheek," he tapped his lips, earning a pinch from chae.

"ouch! it hurts!"

"who asked you to start it!"

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now