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dear no one,

the heart
used to be
locked in the
but someone
found the key

p/s : to him, i love you



"hello? chae?"

jaemin kept calling chae's name. he even waved his hands to get her attention but she seems to be in her own world.

"yah, jung chaehyun-"

"sorry, did you say something?" chae finally stepped on the reality.

"oh, nothing. it's lunch time now," he reminded the girl and showed her the time on his wristwatch.

"ah, let's go."

chae had no idea at how she suddenly think of what happened few years ago. somethings was bothering her.


"what's on your mind?"

jaemin's question was greeted by silence, since the other person wasn't listening to him.

chae was still in her own thoughts. this kinda worrying jaemin since she never act like this.

he got up, and placed both of his hands on her shoulders. "chae-ah,"

few seconds later, she finally snapped from her own thoughts.


"what happened?" jaemin's hands that were on her shoulder when up to her face and cupped those cheeks.

"you didn't hear what i'm saying just now, and you seems lifeless. tell me, what's wrong?"

chae hold jaemin's hands, and remove them from her cheeks. her hands was as cold as ice, which made him even more concerned.

"i was in my own thoughts," she looked at him. "and feels like i will go through somethings."

"what 'somethings'?" he sat down, and still holding both of her hands.

"i don't know, and i feel afraid to face it." chae finally spoke about her concerns that been bothering her.

"don't worry, we'll go through this together," jaemin convinced her.

somehow, those pair of eyes were trying to tell him something that he don't understand.

the bell rang, signalling lunch break is over and students need to get back into their class.


again, chae suddenly have the urge to wrote about how's she feels now.

she wanted to admit, before it's too late.

"maybe a paper plane after a long time is not bad," she said to herself as she took out a piece of paper.


"jaemin, i love you." she silently said on her heart, watching the paper planes flew and landed to somewhere.

(author is getting lazy)


jaemin was supposed to stay up for the extra class that his teacher made for upcoming exam preparation.

but before the teacher could even step his foot inside the class, jaemin's already asking his permission to go to the washroom.

thankfully, the teacher let him.

to be honest, he saw a flying paper plane flew across his class window. he was sure that was from chae.

he quickly went to the school ground to find the paper plane. he knew something was wrong with chae today.

she always did this when she have something up in her mind, and he needs to know what is it.

"where is it- ah! i saw you," he ran downstairs, because he saw the paper plane landed on a flower pot below his level corridor.

no one saw the paper plane, and he quickly snatched it before anyone could see.

he smiled as he read what's written on the paper.

"to her, i love you too."


last chapter next :')

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now