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dear no one,

everyday is enjoyable
stars that shine late at night
the beautiful time
after time passes
we'll look back
and laugh like we always do

p/s : i want a friend hmu :/



chae was doodling something on her notebook, but stopped when she heard loud cheer from the field.

her seat was next to the window, so she could easily see who's at the field.

a senior class, having their p.e. lessons. the boys were playing soccer while the girls were cheering for them.

"what a beautiful sight," she smile.

suddenly, something popped in her mind. she quickly took a piece of paper and started writing some poem.


again, she went to the same place after the lesson ended.

this time, she aimed to the academic block which happens to have empty classes.

"no one's going to pick this up anyways," she mumbled while folding it into a paper plane, again.

she threw it and watched the paper plane flew up to the school's building and dissappear.


jaemin was walking alone towards his class, although the lesson ended a while ago.


he accidentally left his phone in the drawer and when he was about to walk home he finally realised that his phone wasn't with him.

but then, something white flew across his head, making him to look up and catch the paper plane with one hand.

"paper plane, again?"

he unfold the paper and start to read the message the person left.

"another poem... interesting."

the poem is based on beautiful time by nct dream :)

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