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dear no one,

this feeling
cross again
should I?
this feeling
it doesn't stop

p/s : do i like him?



"passed the ball!"

chae hates p.e. class. she never and won't ever join a bunch of student sweating and chasing a ball.

it's useless.

so she and the other girls who were the same as her, will sat on the benches in the gym.

coincidentally, a senior class have the same p.e. class time with them. both of the class boys have a basketball match together.

while the girls cheered on them.

of course, she isn't one of the girls. chae hate human interaction.

the teacher whistled, signalling the class is over and they need to get back to their own class.


someone tapped on her shoulder, and she intensely glared at the unlucky human being.

it was the boy she met at the rooftop.

"are you going to be there today?" he asked her with hopeful eyes.

like always, she will ignore the people and walked away.

that's what she did.

her action earned gasps and whispering among of the students.

does chae care? nope.

not at all.



the same raspy voice again.

she didn't even turn her head, but she knows it was that guy.

jaemin took a seat beside her.

"why don't you talk to me?"

jaemin was a bit mad at what happened before, because no one ever made him embarrassed like that.

but he realised that chae was a little bit hard-headed. no, she really a hard-headed person.

it's going to be hard to let her opened up, but he's fine with it.

he wants to know her more.

"what's your name?" he asked, just to be greeted by a silence again.

"chaehyun... what a pretty name!" he looked over her name tag.

"my name is jaemin, nice to meet you!" he took his hand out for a handshake, but of course chae doesn't care.

"at least look at me, please?"

chae was almost fed up with jaemin, and turned her head to his direction.

she was greeted by jaemin's puppy eyes, and pouting little mouth.

which chae found cute.

she immediately turned her head away again, feeling a thump in her heart. she felt her cheeks become hotter.

"is my face too ugly until you can't even spare a longer glance?"

jaemin asked, but she didn't replied.

after a while, chae lifted up her head and faced jaemin.

"you're irritating,"

just one two words came from her mouth already made jaemin happy. he doesn't know why, but he feel happy.

"really? if i only get response from you when i'm irritating, i need to be irritating even more right?"

"i-" chae lost her words at this boy.

"let me be your friend, if you don't want to i will interrupt you until you agree with me,"

"whatever," chae said, before standing up and left jaemin alone.

"i take that as an agreement that i'm your friend!" she heard jaemin's shout, which made her smile.

"she's so hard to get, i like it."


like usual, chae went up to the roof to threw paper planes.

"do i like him?" she asked herself and watched the paper plane flew.

jaemin, who was on his way back home with his gang of friends.

a paper plane flew and fell on the ground. he smiled, knowing it was hers and picked it up.

"what's up with you and paper planes? i always see you with those," renjun commented, looking at jaemin's face.

"you'll know someday," he unfolded the paper, and read what's written.

"yes, you do. but you aren't sure about your feelings."

he replied her, in his heart.

paper planes | jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now