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Gauri didn't mean to eavesdrop. It wasn't in her nature to be nosy. She was merely minding her own business chopping tomatoes for sauce. Thankfully, her boss' taste buds coincided with hers today and he was willing to eat pasta. Gauri wondered if there will be any left so that she can take some back to her house and enjoy with him. However, she couldn't help as her efficient, for a normal human being, ears overheard the conversation her boss was having over the phone with his mother in the next room.

She could only hear his side of the conversation, but that was enough to understand what it was all about.

"Maa, please, I am tired of having this conversation with you again and again." Gauri could hear his voice sounding a mixture of annoyance and desperation. "I will not come home for Diwali."

"Yeah, I know. You will miss me. What? Okay. You will miss me more as di also isn't coming home this year. But, I will not change my decision."

Gauri heard him trying to talk but repeatedly cut off by his mother on the other side. It was comical to hear him stop mid sentence every time with a groan.

"Maa, you know why I am not willing to come home. You know how emotionally draining it will be for me. Still, you want me to undergo every pain just so I can eat jalebis fed by you?"

"What? No. Uff!! Maa, I am not saying anything is wrong with your Jalebis. I just... God! Maa! It was just a .... Yeah! You know how much I love Jalebis."

Gauri always thought his elusive behaviour was result of his lack of interest in socializing or maybe he was just missing his old life in his hometown. But, now knowing he was not even interested in going back home to his parents. She wondered what even the deal with him is. Why such eccentric behaviour?

"Sure. I will come home next month. Maybe around Christmas."

"Okay, maa. I am taking care of myself. Eating healthy. Yeah. Umm...Okay. I have a new house help, maa. Yes, she is good."

Gauri's ears perked at her praise. Some advantages this *unintentional* eavesdropping brings.

"Maa, please, I can tell her all that. I am sure she knows what water temperature to use for washing cotton clothes. What am I... Maa, I am not taking her side. You are being unreasonable. I can't say such rude things to house help, maa. She will get me arrested then. Fine. I will take care of the house. No, I am not overpaying anyone and I am not sending you photo of her pay check. I know how to take care of my house, maa. Jeez!"

Gauri had to hold her index finger in between her teeth to stop her from laughing out loud. She kept the knife aside and held the ends of table in another hand so that she doesn't lose balance because of how her whole body was shaking with silent laughter. She could easily imagine her boss's frustrated expression at ridiculous advices of his mother.

If Gauri knew her boss of three months well, then she was sure that he hated any discrimination against her for being a mere house help.

The other day, secretary of the apartments, an old lady in her early sixties knocked at the door and asked Omkara's stand in paying extra maintenance so that a pool could be constructed at their building. As Omkara was in an important meeting inside his room with DND sign hung on his study's door handle, Gauri took it upon herself to deliver an answer which she was sure will also be his answer.

"He wouldn't mind the extra maintenance money. But, he wouldn't be comfortable with cutting down the trees to make pool. Those trees give the whole apartments an aesthetic feel and cool breeze."

The old lady eyed Gauri from top to bottom in disgruntle way.

"Aren't you the young house help everyone is talking about?"

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now