Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Omkara unlocked and locked his phone for the tenth time. It was a Saturday night and it was a habit to order food from outside and watch a movie. It started when he still had active and stressful life outside with work and other social commitments, but he still kept on the ritual.

What differed from rest of the Saturdays was that Gauri was still working. Generally she leaves in the evening after preparing his dinner. However, today, Vihaan had a weekend camp out activity that his school organized and so she had to drop him there before she came to work. Now, Gauri was still in the house doing chores.

Omkara was put in a predicament wondering if he should order for her as well.

It has only been a week since Diwali. Ever since he spent a day with Vihaan and Gauri, he had started to feel as if he had inadvertently formed a bond with them that was strangely moving beyond a regular employee boss line. Every day he had religiously began questioning about Vihaan. The other day Omkara even gave the whole chocolate box sent to him by a client to Vihaan without taking a single piece for himself. When Gauri refused to take it stating that his generosity should not spoil her son, he reasoned saying that he was trying to lose weight and so should stay away from anything tempting. That was only half truth, because as soon as Omkara saw the chocolate box he had only thought about Vihaan and the toothy smile he would give on seeing the box.

Omkara didn't know what attracted him to that boy. He has never been a kids type of person. Maybe it's just his age and his fatherly instincts are due to it seeing a small kid. If everything had gone according to his plans, then Omkara would have had a son or daughter and would have been a proud father. Perhaps, like women, even men after certain age start to feel their biological clock ticking and their paternal instincts gets activated.

Omkara felt he owed Gauri dinner. Not because she let him spend his Diwali with her family or not even because she was present there and he was obliged to order for her out of being kind. He wanted to do it purely because he felt that he would like having dinner with her.

"Dinner?" Gauri looked unsure. If he was only asking for the sake of being nice, then she doesn't want to be overstepping. "I don't think it's a good idea. I got to return early. Vihaan is out for the night, so I might as well get some work done at home."

"The restaurant is just 15 minutes away. They surely must be expecting my order and will deliver soon. Just stay for another hour." Gauri still didn't seem convinced. A 'no' was on the tip of her tongue. "I haven't had dinner with someone in a long time. I would appreciate your company truly. Please."

Gauri would only call her heartless if she could deny such an earnest invitation. If Omkara asked her to work overtime for one month in that tone, with that look, then she might even agree to it.

It was just a dinner. Nothing scandalous. Also, Gauri couldn't help but accept to herself that she enjoyed her interactions with Omkara more when they are not being boss and employee.


"I can't believe you are ordering spicy kebabs but not going to pair it up with good wine, that too on a Saturday night." Gauri said with the most innocently startled expression she could manage.

If he wants them to have dinner together, he might as well make good use of those salivating bottles of wine he has in his collection.

When Omkara got back to where Gauri was sitting on the floor in the balcony, he moved the cushion away and sat across her. They had a small four legged stool to serve as dining table. Throw pillows were spread across and two yellow lights on either side of the wall gave a fine dining setting.

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now