Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

In spite of the disgruntled state Omkara was in, his dreams were pleasing. It was about him and Gauri walking in the park and laughing. The scenes were unclear, but Omkara liked it. So, to be woken up by something thump on his face harshly was not at all welcome.

What was that, a toy dinosaur?

His eyes felt like it was glued together. Omkara put all his mental and physical strength together to open his eyes and lift his body. His eyes met with caramel brown eyes staring at him curiously.

"Who are you?" he asked

"Now you don't even recognize my daughter? This is what happens when you don't meet us for forever."

The shrill voice pierced his ears in annoyance. Omkara turned to his right to look at a familiar face coloured with disapproval.

"Nidhi?" he asked surprised.

What was his cousin doing at his house? Or was he in Dehradun at her house? He was pretty sure alcohol doesn't enable air travel on own.

"Mom was wise in suggesting I take your house's spare key from her. Else, you wouldn't have even let us in."

Omkara didn't even have to turn around to know who was talking. He cannot forget that voice even in highest stage of intoxication. It was his very own sister Akshara Kapoor nee Oberoi.

Omkara with struggle lifted himself on his feet and before he could stable himself a quick dash and hug around his legs by young Adit caught him off guard.

"Mamu, did you miss me?"

As Omkara bent down to pick his nephew, he heard Akshara taunt, "Adit make sure if your mamu even remembers you or you will get same treatment as little Preeti."

Was the little doll staring at him with upturned lips his youngest niece?

"When did you grow up so much?"

Omkara immediately regretted that question for he knew what the answer from his sister and cousin will be. He is all aware of how he locked everyone out of his life and didn't even bother to keep in touch with his cousins to the barest minimum. He wasn't proud of it, but he didn't have any choice.

Omkara arched his eyebrows looking at his sister who reflected his expression sternly. So, she wants him to voice the question? Fine.

"What are you both doing here?" he asked looking between Akshara and Nidhi. "That too with kids."

Nidhi, the chatterbox was quick to answer, "Not just kids, husbands, Aman bhaiya, Pritivi, Siya..."

"Basically whole clan." Akshara completed their cousin's sentence with irritated sigh.

Whole clan? Of course, it is second week of May. How can he forget?

The younger lot of his family were all going to Singapore for summer vacation. Omkara received relentless calls, mails and texts asking to confirm his participation, but he callously ignored. He vaguely remembered his mother mentioning that everyone will stay at his place for a day and night before they all together take a flight from International airport in the city. Omkara was occupied otherwise to fret on his cousins' impending visit. Now, however, he regretted not being more aware. At least he could have avoided hangover. All his cousins with his sister will give him enough head ache rivalling two hangovers.

After a tall glace of lemonade, his brother-in law Shyam's courtesy and quick shower, Omkara sat on the kitchen island feet dangling, as his sister made him breakfast.

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now