Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Gauri was leaning on the parapet of the balcony when she heard the knock. She didn't lock the door. She knew Omkara would be coming.

"Door is open." She shouted from where she stood.

Omkara insisted on booking a separate room for him. "But we will have late night snacks in your room." Gauri smiled at him knowingly. After the gentleman in Omkara spoke, Gauri realized that in spite of her insistence, if he had booked a single room she would have cursed herself or both sooner or later. Her reckless impulsiveness, the same one that is the reason for her present state in all means, the one that she has been trying to tame ever since she became a mother, was returning with a vengeance. Gauri was happy at least one of them had their head in the right place to avoid further embarrassments.

"They didn't have much choice in unhealthy snacks." Omkara complained even he carried a tray that held a plate of potato wedges, some garlic bread, one piece of chocolate cake, a bottle of cold drink and two empty glasses.

"Maybe they are concerned about customers' digestive issues." she said as she hopped from her place and perched on one of the two empty chairs placed facing the night sky.

"They shouldn't be if they have good acids to clean any sh!t left behind." Omkara tried to look embarrassed at his unsavoury joke, but really he couldn't help the grin spread on his cheeks at coming up with something smut.

Gauri chuckled before she recalled something said to her few years ago and chuckled more until the chuckle remained in her lips unfading and her eyes held a distant look of recollection.

Omkara was wary now. "I know it was a bad joke, but you don't have to make your pretence laugh very obvious."

"Oh!No not at all." Gauri assured. "I was thinking about something someone told me."

Omkara dipped two potato wedges in ketchup and leaned back in his chair. "Well, that doesn't make me feel better, knowing you are thinking about someone else when I am making a fool out of me trying to impress you with my sense of humor."

Gauri laughed as she turned her chair towards right so that she was able to look at Omkara fully.

"Someone once told me that you are comfortable with a person only when you can without embarrassment share joke about sh!t with them."

Omkara scrunched his nose. "That..." he dragged. "That oddly makes sense to me."

Gauri shrugged. "So it means we are comfortable with each other and you don't have to put your undetectable sense of humour to test."

"I am taking personal offense on that statement, Gauri." Omkara said offended. "Have I not made you laugh?"

Gauri made a thoughtful face. "Have you?" Omkara wanted to smile at how carefree and young she looked while making that childlike face, but decided to hold his ground and not to make her conscious.

"You may have." Gauri declared. "But definitely not with your sense of humour."


"I don't know. Maybe just by being who you are."

"Is that a compliment?" asked Omkara suspiciously

"It is."

He smirked. "In that case, you are welcome."

Gauri savoured the setting. There was something very personal and intimate about a hotel room. It gave you the feel of domesticity at the same time there was an aura of scandal that makes your heartbeat rise. Her main reason to insist on staying in a room, albeit in a hotel doing nothing, is that she wanted to play house with Omkara. That must be the silliest idea her mind had conjured in over a decade, but she couldn't help when it was Omkara.

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now