Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Omkara peered over his laptop to look at his new house help of two weeks. Shashi, a woman in her late forties, who has taken up the job, not yet efficiently but manageable, after Gauri left.

"Did you make cake?"

She nodded her head, but seeing her look doubtful, Omkara could say it was not going to be a cake that he will be proud presenting to Vihaan next day. He waved off her wordless as he began to wonder if he should just order some pastries and ice cream from nearby cafe.

Gauri called him in the morning that day asking him a favour. Gauri's laptop was given for service that she can't collect for another week. Vihaan had an important school project for which he had to prepare a presentation that should be submitted on Monday.

"I didn't know it had a timeline. Now, he is eating my head whining."

Omkara asked to speak with Vihaan to whom he promised that he and Gauri can come by his home on Sunday and Omkara will personally help Vihaan with making a presentation.

"Sure? You know how to make it for 'Parts of the body'?" Vihaan asked surprised.

"I do." Omkara smiled at the little boy's admiration for such small thing. "I will not only help you make presentation but also train you perfectly with a good speech to go with it. "

Omkara could hear Vihaan scream with glee before Gauri came on the line.

"You sure you are free? We don't want to impose on you."

"Really! Gauri. You think I will have any plans? For your information, nothing has changed since you left the job, you know." He said." I still stay home 24/7."

"Let's see how long you stay that way."

"That's a challenge that I am willing to accept knowing I will win, you know."

The teasing glint in Gauri's voice changed as she said rather seriously, "It doesn't have to be that way, you know. Whatever happened can..."

"Gauri, please." He cut short her sentence. "I said you can be my therapist after you complete your PG, not already. Now only be my friend and come home tomorrow so that weekend has some excitement."

Omkara walked to the kitchen and opened the lid that covered the freshly baked chocolate cake. He was hoping to surprise Vihaan with a cake after they so surely complete presentation successfully. Now, seeing the cake as hard as an eraser, he knew he should only place order for cake from outside.

How did he even expect his life to same impeccable after Gauri left him? Everything was bound to be half baked, literally and figuratively.


"Let me cook lunch for us." Gauri declared standing up from the couch where she was perched for past one hour, palm on her cheeks, bored looking at Omkara and Vihaan who were pretending that Vihaan's first grade project was actually going to be presented to the Queen of England. They were working with such dedication that amused as well as annoyed Gauri.

"Why would you?" Omkara asked not lifting his head from laptop where he was adding animation to the slides.

"I am bored." Gauri replied walking towards the kitchen.

"Gauri." Omkara called stopping her mid way. "As much as I miss your cooking, I don't want you to work on your day off. I have already ordered thali for both of us and pasta for Vihaan."

Gauri turned around and looked at Omkara folding her arms. "You miss my amazing cooking?" she asked with smugness.

Omkara finally lifted his head from the laptop with flat expression. "Go to kitchen and taste the cake in that round red box. You will know."

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now