Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Omkara settled on the couch with his half disaster in the name of pulao and bad excuse of chicken curry. His house, his food and especially him have been in distress for the past three days as Gauri has taken off due to sickness. However, Omkara only saw the merit of this distancing from Gauri. It was much needed to clear his head.

Things drastically changed from Omkara's side at least ever since his confession about his life to Gauri. Lifting the weight off his heart had left enough space for him to cultivate thoughts that he couldn't have otherwise explored, thoughts about Gauri.

Omkara didn't want to be that guy who calls a girl his friend and secretly harbors unexplainable feelings that borders way ahead of what friendship should be. At his age, the tactic felt creepier. So, his changing attitude towards Gauri not only shocked him, but also made him feel ashamed. She trusted him, in spite of everything that happened in her life, in spite of everything he said about his life, she trusted him. She took his words for his innocence and Omkara's own parents hadn't done that. Probably, that is why he felt drawn to her. To enjoy the luxury of confidence has come to him after many years now and he doesn't know what to do with it.

Maybe it was just misplaced attraction, Omkara thought, he surely couldn't like Gauri the way man likes a woman. For God's sake the scars of his previous relationships has left him so burned that he can never see past it to acknowledge any tender feeling. Any form of affection weighed heavy on his chest and he cannot be indulged the same way even with his parents. Again it proves that he cannot like Gauri. So, what is this feeling, he wondered. This so strange yet so familiar feeling that tugs his heart strings like a instrument every time he looks at her off late.

At least few days ago Omkara could have sworn that it was not physical. But, now, he has dedicated an attention to noticing her so vigorously that a hawk could be put to shame.

He began to notice the way her laughter sounds, the way her lips curve when she is deep in thoughts, the way her fingers play with her hair, the way she looks at him with tenderness, the way she dresses, the way her voice crinkles when she speaks with Vihaan, the way her footsteps are light and breezy, the way she debates first world problems while roasting mushrooms.

He noticed every single detail.

She hasn't changed any bit in his presence, but his awareness of her has attuned him to her so effortlessly that he couldn't help be dragged with the invisible thread that has tied them together.

None of his explanation, or lack of it, has stopped him from feeling guilty about harboring unexplainable feeling for a woman who saw him as nothing but a friend.

Omkara knew it wasn't sexual. Gauri was more than a man's casual fling. When he looked at her, he didn't think about pushing her towards the nearest wall and having his way with her, he only think about taking a window seat and being lost in the beauty of her existence, looking at her, listening to her, like one does when the rain pours.

Omkara, though was not doing a very good job at putting a name to the feelings he has for Gauri, was sure was flaring well in hiding it. However, one day, after his project was approved by the client and he shared it with her.

"Congratulations." She had said in the most genuine voice that only she was capable of. "Good news so early this year."

"Maybe I started the year well." He replied

Gauri looked at him, narrowed her eyebrows, tilted her head and asked, "Are you flirting with me?"

He knew she was teasing. She said it the same way she makes fun of his coffee habit or his candy crush obsession. However, Omkara felt like an ice cold water was thrown on him as he realized that he was indeed trying to flirt. The exact picture he had in his head when he spoke about start of the year was Gauri and him holding hands and looking at each other. The realization left a bitter taste in Omkara and he spent the whole next week sulking. So, when Gauri called him one morning with groggy throat and relentless cough, Omkara asked her to take leave for how many ever days she wants.

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