Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It was a normal day. Omkara was sitting in his usual posture on the recliner chair, laptop perched on the table in front. His fingers were typing rapidly on the keyboard and his Bluetooth plugged in his ear. Omkara was listening to his VP giving him brief regarding his recent visit to client's base in the US.

"I get it Sam. My team will work on latency. Rudra can handle the booting issues anyway."

These regular updates and promises of delivering better was mundane conversation between Omkara and his boss. However, what his VP conveyed next took Omkara completely by shock.

"Am I hearing it right?" Omkara asked suspiciously. "You are not playing with me, are you?"

"Why would I?" Sam's voice held an edge of mischief. "You are our new project director."

Omkara swore in surprise and immediately held his fist between his mouth. He could hear Sam chuckle from the other end.

"Are you serious?"

"Mukesh wanted to talk to you about it when you meet him next week. You know how I like spoiling your surprises. So, I am telling you internal news beforehand." Omkara shook his head rolling his eyes. Sam likes to think he and Omkara are friends so that he can get in good books of their chairman who adores Omkara. "Better pay. Unimaginable perks and serves best for your new 'will only work from home' obsession. What's with that anyway? Not that anyone at office misses you, but you're missing new hot interns."

"Interns who are twenty odd years younger than you? Get a life before your wife finds out."

Sam sighed heavily. "Not everyone is lucky enough to not have a wife."

Trust Sam to be insensitive about things like this. Omkara gritted his teeth to not rebuke with a proper come back. He knew Sam doesn't worth it.

After Omkara cut the call with Sam, in spite of the latter taking a dig at his marriage life, Omkara was in a good mood. His new designation, though puts more responsibility on his shoulders, reduces his day to day burden. He will be needed mostly for meetings, discussions, consultation rather than monitoring every behind the code actions. That will not only let him take more leave from staying in office, other than meetings that demands physical presence, he can also concentrate on his building his personal life something he has been ignoring vehemently. Omkara was not sure where he should start. For past few days, he has been feeling extremely optimistic about something that he couldn't put his fingers on. He wakes up every day with minute hope and goes to sleep every day with wish to wake up next morning. Omkara had to comprehend what this new energy that his is feeling around him, hold it close and work on it. This release from day to day work load will give him much needed time for that.

"I will be there in 30 minutes. I am starting from home." Was Gauri's quick reply as soon as she picked up Omkara's call. She wasn't alarmingly late, but delayed for her standards. Vihaan overslept derailing Gauri's schedule.

"Gauri, relax." Omkara said over the phone sensing Gauri was climbing down the stairs like a provoked horse. "Stand in a place and listen to me carefully."

Gauri's uneven breathing took a minute to settle after Gauri halted on the second floor stairs. "What's up?" she asked.

"Well, you know." Omkara was quick to dial Gauri even before calling his mother to tell her about his promotion. He knew Gauri will be happy for him and oddly he felt her happiness can double his own. Now, when he has to tell it to her, he felt he was being preposterous. After all, they were friends who were not actually friends.

"Do you want me to get something for you?" Gauri asked

"That would be great." Omkara said. "I would like some sweets and dry fruits."

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