Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The first thing Omkara regretted was accepting Gauri's invitation as soon as he said 'yes' and she left the house with a smile. The second thing he regretted was not paying attention to the kind of things you do when you go to someone else's house especially during festival.

Waking up on a Diwali morning, Omkara spent an hour in bed replying to all whatsapp to wishes and then another few minutes talking to his mom telling her how he was going to go to temple, attend special puja and share sweets, albeit store bought one, to neighbours. Though he was not going to do the last one, he did go to temple and attended the puja.

Gauri had already sent location of her house to him and he confirmed his arrival for lunch. So, next two hours Omkara spent in the mall trying to buy some gifts for Gauri's family. However, the only problem with that was Omkara didn't know anything about Gauri's family at all.

"I am sure she must have one or both her parents." He concluded as he bought handheld massager that was definitely to impress any senior citizen.

"Siblings!!" Omkara thought for a moment. "She must have." He decided. One time, during her day off, when Omkara clogged the sink while washing vessels, she looked at him disappointedly and muttered 'All men are the same'. So, she definitely must have a brother. Not to forget that the other day, while talking to a kid in their apartment fighting with her elder sister, Gauri had given a good lecture on sister bonding. So, she might even have a sister. Or, better, Gauri could have both, a brother and sister. So, to be on safer side, Omkara bought two gender neutral sunglasses. To be on saver side with an extra gift, just in case, Omkara bought coaster set. Finally, for Gauri, he bought self embroidered designer shawl.

With gifts and two boxes of sweets and savouries, Omkara reached Gauri house and thirty past one.

Gauri's house was not in a posh neighbourhood as his, which didn't surprise him, but her neighbourhood seemed decent enough. Gauri's house in particular was a three storey building surrounded by compound wall and plants and tree inside the compound. For a Diwali afternoon, the neighbourhood was quiet and Omkara called Gauri from outside her building to know which floor was her house.

Within minutes, Omkara saw Gauri hopping down the stairs from the terrace. She was wearing beige palazzo and bright orange crop top. Her hair was pulled in a tight bun that screamed domestic in spite of her festive dress. She looked at him from the stairs and threw one of her bright smiles. Between second and first floor, Gauri had unknotted her bun and when she greeted him at the gate, her lush hair was cascading on her shoulder.

Even as they shared pleasantries and Diwali wishes, as Omkara complimented her on living in such eco friendly building, he didn't miss to notice that he was seeing dressed up for the first time, especially with open hair and all. Though Omkara even on first meeting agreed that she was very good looking, he realized she was in fact very beautiful in the true sense of the word. Out of her casual clothes and disoriented hairstyles, she looked gorgeous and so much young. He not for the first time wondered how old she was. Of course, he knew she will be younger than his 34, but for her he wasn't able to decide between mid twenties and late twenties.

"Sorry, we don't have a lift here." She said not apologetically but teasingly as he huffed his way behind her in the stairs. Damn! He should do something about his weight.

Omkara looked at her surprised as instead on the house in the third and last floor as he assumed, Gauri climbed the stairs to the terrace.

"That is my house."


What Omkara saw was a small construction that could only be called a room.

"If I wanted to live in such a decent and safe neighbourhood, I had to compromise on the size of the house, you know."

Omkara immediately felt guilty wondering if his disappointed 'Oh' had got this answer from her. However, looking at her still smiling brightly at him, he can't tell if anything can affront her.

You cannot offend an assured person.

Omkara immediately wiped his frown out with a smile for her and followed her inside her house.

For something that looked so inhabitable, Gauri had a knack for making it look like a proper house. It was tidy, fresh smelling and warm.

"It's the kitchen." She pointed to the right. "Washroom." She pointed to the door in the left. "And we are standing in my bedroom/living room."

The room where he stood had a small study table, a cupboard, shelves with books and a very small TV which will surely find its place in museum in few years.

"Your house is really pretty, Gauri." He complimented genuinely.

"Thank you." She lifted her shoulder in pride. "You should know more than anyone how pedantic I am about clean houses." She giggled at her own statement making him also smile.

Omkara bought the three bags he was holding in front of Gauri. "I bought these for you." He said and before Gauri could say anything the door to the bathroom opened and a small boy, not more than six years old, came out. His chin pressed to his chest holding the end of his Kurta while his hands pushed forward the untied strings of his churidar.

"Mumma, help me with this."

Omkara looked on perplexed as Gauri went to the boy's side, knelt down in front of him, tied his pant strings slowly while teaching him how to do it, then ruffled his hair, kissed his cheeks before bringing the boy to where Omkara stood.

"This is Vihaan. My son. My only family." Gauri introduced to Omkara. "And this." Gauri looked down at her son. "is my boss." Gauri nudged her son forward to shake hands with Omkara. "Come on, shake hands. " she said. This felt as an instruction to Omkara as well who was still in daze learning that Gauri has a son.

"Hi." Omkara cleared his voice. "Hi, Vihaan." He shook hands with the small boy.

"Happy Diwali." The boy wished unprompted with a big toothy grin and gleaming eyes that so much reminded of Omkara of Gauri.

"Happy Diwali." Omkara replied.

"Is that for me?"

It took a moment for Omkara to realize he was still holding the gifts mid air.

"Oh! Errr...I." he ran his fingers through his hair. "Sure." Omkara handed the gifts to the boy.

Seeing the boy opened the bag with excited eyes, Omkara immediately regretted not knowing from Gauri that she lived with a small boy. Now, Omkara had not bought anything that would interest a little boy except maybe a box of ferrero rocher.

He immediately conveyed his guilt to Gauri. "I didn't buy anything that suits for a kid."

"Don't worry about that. Vihaan has learned to be happy with what he has since long. He will love your gifts."

When they heard a sound of button being clicked, they both turned to find Vihaan playing with handled massager that Omkara apparently bought for Gauri's nonexistent parents.

"Mumma, this is super cool." Vihaan grinned running the massager from his head to tip of his toes.

Gauri turned to Omkara and smiled. "He likes his gift."

"Well, guess, I don't know many things about you."

Gauri looked at him. "I don't know many things about you too. So, that tallies."

Both nodded in agreement with small smile.


Well, that is enough for this chapter, I guess.

Get settled with the twist of Gauri having a son. We will see more interaction in next chapter.


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