Chapter 10 - Part B

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Chapter 10 – Part B

Omkara had to try harder than necessary to not turn his head to the left to look at Gauri who was in the passenger seat of the car if he doesn't want her to think he was a creep.

Omkara spend the whole day giving himself pep talk every two hours, so that he doesn't back out from going to the party. He took unofficial off from work which just means that he logged in his ID, but didn't do anything more. However, Gauri didn't have the same luxury. She came to work two hours later than usual after settling everything for Vihaan until she returns from the party. Then she went about her regular works and around six, she asked Omkara permission to get ready for party in his guest room saving her travelling time and got ready in record time for any woman Omkara has known.

Omkara was waiting in the couch dressed in his best black dress shirt and grey trousers with jacket of the same colour tossed aside him, when he heard the door of the guest room open and Gauri announcing that he was ready. He was surprised by her quickness and turned around to appreciate her for it, when his words stuck in his throat.

In a simple red georgette saree that had thin line of black glitters in the border, Gauri looked stunning. Her hair was left open except a clutch that pinned few strands from left side to the centre and a above the forehead puff that was intentionally made to look messy. She had long gold plated earrings, but her neck, in spite of the wide neck blouse that ended with 3/4th sleeve, was left bare giving Omkara glimpse of the lone black mole in the size of mustard on her shoulder blade that he hasn't seen before.

"I am sorry. I don't have a gown. This is the only decent attire I own." She smiled apologetically biting her lips and Omkara noticed she had a pale red lipstick on her lips in addition to bright kajal that enhanced her already lively eyes. Apart from that, her face was clean.

"You look beautiful." His voice came out in trance.

Gauri narrowed her eyes before an amused chuckle left her lips. "Why, thank you." She said

Omkara cleared his throat and immediately shifted his attention to finding his car keys and phone.

"I am sure I kept it here." He said scattering the magazine on the table more in effort of finding the keys.

"It must be...." Gauri drawled walking towards the stand on the bookshelf. "" she dangled the key in her hand and smiled.

Omkara has seen Gauri smile many times, however this time it seemed different. For the first time, he noticed the curve of her lips, the bulge of her cheeks, her natural blush and those always gleaming eyes seemed more prominent. It was as if he saw a new Gauri and ever since he was not able to take his eyes off her for two minutes at a stretch. Also, that is the reason he had more trouble driving in the traffic than he usually has.


"Do you think I will look like a sore thumb?" Gauri asked self consciously as she adjusted the fleets of her saree eyeing major female population in the party dressed in gowns and dresses.

"Doesn't matter. Anyway, when I am here, no one else is going to be centre of gossip." Omkara said sorely.

Gauri lifted her head from smoothing her saree and frowned at Omkara.

"Are you not comfortable?" she asked

"Of course, I am not." He grumbled. "I have not seen some of them in months. And I am so not looking forward to any reunion."

Gauri knew it must be a big deal for Omkara to even come to this party. So, she was not going to push him to any social experiment that could make him anxious. Omkara staying at the party till mid night in itself is going to be victory from his part. She was only planning to be at his side as a support system while he is going to decide what he has to do.

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