Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Having six weeks before Gauri has to go ahead with her impulsive idea to spend a week with Omkara seemed like a lifetime when Gauri first proposed it. She was conceived she had enough time to take her heart and mind in control so that she has the answer to the outcome of their short courtship rehearsed. Gauri was trying to be as pessimistic as possible so that whatever they decide at the end of the week feels less hurtful in comparison to all her ideas.

Time, the old devil, played its usual game and before Gauri knew days flew by. She stood in Vihaan's school in front of the bus that was to take him to camp repeating her instructions to him, while Omkara came there carrying bunch of chocolates for Vihaan to share with his friends on the camp.

They both tried to avoid meeting each other's eyes. Lack of contact beyond customary enquires about well being between this moment and their last meeting has done nothing to diminish the feeling of ecstasy of seeing each other or what is going to follow. When out of mind, out of sight, formula fails to work, then it is invariably accepted that the heart strings are not merely attached but blurred to become one.

Omkara and Gauri stood awkwardly waving at the bus that took Vihaan even after the bus left the sight. Both had relied on the other to take the onus of leading the way. So, now when none of them moved from the fidgeting fingers or checking notifications in phone that weren't present, the awkwardness weighed like a stone.

It was Gauri who broke the depth of the silence with her untimely laughter. Soon Omkara joined though both were not sure why they were actually laughing.

The fact that first day of their official courtship feel on a Friday felt like a boon in disguise. They both were put in the position that gave them sleepless nights because of fear and excitement, but at the same time they don't have to actually be together until few hours. After the situation was made as real as possible, they were given grace time to let it sink in and to buckle up themselves.

"Shall I pick you from your office in the evening?" Omkara asked before Gauri could get down of the car and walk to her office.


Omkara had three successful tricks when it came to taking a special woman on date. One, is to take her to a cosy dinner at restaurant. Two, is to take her to a place that is close to nature where they can stargaze. Three, invite her home, into his personal space to let her know how serious he is about her.

The tricky situation with Gauri is that he has done all the three with her on different occasions and had had wonderful meaningful moments with her. Though they weren't actual dates, it was much better and more precious than any of his previous dates. So, now he lacked ideas.

"I don't generally suck at this." Omkara confessed after he picked up Gauri in the evening with coffee. "But, this time I really have no idea what to do. All the cliché ideas are either silly or overrated."

Gauri grinned looking at Omkara's embarrassed face that made him look...cute. Something Gauri has not associated him with before. Now, with all the excitement and gleam, Omkara looked much younger and energetic.

"We don't have to decide already." Gauri said. "We can just drive on and then decide."

Gauri couldn't have come up with a better idea. In spite of the small space of the car, the drive felt very liberating, especially after they left the city's crowd and began driving in the highway.

The conversation flowed between them with usual ease. They knew so much about each other now discovered so much new things and they only found their fondness grow a mile with every tête-à-tête.

When Omkara stopped at a dhabba, they neither cared about the time or how far they have driven away from the city.

"There will come a point when we will know everything about each other." Gauri remarked to Omkara's observation of how soon they both learned about each other.

"I bet I will still find you interesting every day."

Omkara has never really flirted with her before. Baring his occasional compliments, Gauri knew he has never crossed the line. Now, at this point of whatever this is between them, even his smallest attempt at flirting brought bright red hues on Gauri's cheeks which in turn made Omkara grin widely.

They began their drive and were an hour away from the dhabba where they had dinner. Omkara sneaked a look at his watch and then looked back at Gauri who was busy telling him about story of ghost in highway trees that she heard as a child.

"How far are we going to go?" Omkara asked. Gauri shifted her gaze towards him with mix of uncertainty and worry. So, Omkara added quickly."Not that I mind going on this drive with you. I can do it whole life till we travel far North that we end up reaching the south. But, I just wanted to be sure that you know what you are doing."

Gauri let her gaze fix on him for a minute before the side of her lips curved in half smile and a smirk.

"I want to go till that place." She said.

"Which place?"

"That nowhere place in the movies where the car breaks down and the couple are forced to spend a night at some godforsaken hut."

Omkara chuckled. "This is one of the busiest highways so you cannot find a nowhere place here."

Gauri made a thoughtful face. "Fine. Then maybe we can find an actual place where we can stay for the night."

Omkara looked at Gauri. He didn't let any expression show on his face. He just wanted to read hers. He didn't bother to ask her if she was sure, because he knows she was.

Gauri tapped on the huge mahogany table in the reception of the hotel as she and Omkara waited for the receptionist to attend them after finishing her call.

"Do you know this is the place in the movies where they tell they are fully booked and have only one room so that the couple are forced to stay together?"

Gauri stopped her tapping on the table and looked at Omkara with half eye roll. "I see I am not the only one who watches cliché bollywood." She said. Omkara shrugged with a smile. "Anyway," Gauri continued. "We might actually not need two rooms. I am not planning to sleep tonight."


Update is short in spite of the delay, but you must understand why it is important to stop the update here.

I will update again tomorrow or day after.

Stay Safe

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