Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Gauri has not been out alone with a man who was not Anurag. She remembered their first date vividly. It was in a place that sold flattering Dabeli behind their school building. It was late evening after their tuitions and she had worn her ill fitting kurti and faded jeans. It was the time when sneaking with each other mattered more than dressing to nine. However, today, though it isn't a date but only a dinner, Gauri reminded herself once again, that she sees as an opportunity to treat Omkara for all the good things he did for her including her new job.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with mumma?" Gauri asked her son looking at him through the reflection of mirror in front of which she was standing to pull her hair into French plait.

Vihaan shifted his attention from his notebook and looked at his mom with sigh of exhaustion.

"No mumma." He said with hint of annoyance. She has asked him the same question many times in pat few hours and he only gave her the same answer.

Gauri stuck out her tongue at him mocking his annoyance, making Vihaan roll his eyes.

Of course, which six year old will want to skip a birthday part of a friend to attend boring dinner with two adults who refused to let him play games in phone for more than 15 minutes at a stretch?

"Did you pack the gift?" Gauri asked

Vihaan lifted a very messy gift wrapped box that contained a small car toy that Gauri could afford. She chuckled at the generous use of beige tape that made the gift look like it was a bandaged red bundle.

Gauri sat on her knees in front of her son and kissed his cheeks. He was so proud of his flawed handiwork, just like how he is proud of his inconvenient lifestyle. She was glad that he at least had a friend like Mithun and the Chopras who saw him for who he is and not from where he comes. Else, Gauri couldn't imagine leaving her son alone with people who were condescending towards him even for matter of hours.



A huge weight lifted off of his chest when he saw Gauri come with Vihaan tailing behind her. From the moment Omkara and Gauri decided on this so called dinner, Omkara has been in predicament. It is one thing to have dinner with her even in cosy intimate setting of his apartment when he has clear feelings towards her and completely different even when he is in a crowded restaurant sharing a table with her when the soft corner he has for her creeps in now and then disturbing his thought process. If Vihaan comes with them, then he can be a perfect buffer between them. Also, that boy is totally cute and Omkara can't complain about any time he gets to spend with him.

Omkara's relief was short lived as Gauri informed him that they have to drop Vihaan at his friend's two blocks away for a birthday party.

"Don't you want to come with us, Vihaan? We can have ice creams." Omkara tried to tempt the boy.

"But Omkara uncle Mithun's party has magician and clown. "

Now who can argue with that?

So, Gauri and Omkara, after dropping Vihaan, proceeded to the place that Gauri meticulously selected after thorough internet search.

"They are said to serve best kebabs." She said as they both entered the restaurant together.

Gauri consciously twisted a strand of hair that has escaped from properly combed plait and stuck a bobby pin to secure them. Once her hair looked good, she pouted her lips and cursed herself for not having the sense to buy a decent coloured lip balm. Now her lips looked pale and her transparent chapstick had done no help. She took tissues from the side and wiped extra kajal that has left the curve of her eyes.

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now