Bonus Chapter

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Follow my new story "Until Perfect lasts"

Gauri was nervous to the point of forgetting entering into the lift even after the door opened with a 'ding' noise and Vihaan tugged at the hand he was holding.

"Mumma!" he called.

Gauri broke out of her thought and ushered Vihaan inside the lift. She pressed Omkara's floor and counted her breathe as the time she was deliberating since a week was finally here yet she hasn't prepared herself enough.

Gauri saw a renewed Omkara ever since he dropped at her doorstep after his trip and proposed her. He was happier, hopeful and surprisingly impatient, at least when it comes to them. Two days after the day everything changed between them for good, Omkara told Gauri over a casual phone call that he was telling his parents about them that night.

"Let us not delay marriage." He had said.

Gauri was pleased, genuinely. Nevertheless she was also anxious. From what she knew about his parents, especially mother, Omkara was going to have a tough time. He refused to tell her what his parents' reaction to the news was.

"It is something I should take care of and I will." He said. "No one will be hurt. Trust me. You will hear more when all angry spats are done with and good bits start."

Gauri gave him time and space he wanted. After all, they were his parents. Almost ten days after he told his parents and keeping her in dark about everything that happened afterwards, Omkara informed Gauri that any day, anywhere the wedding can happen and his family's presence is guaranteed. Gauri didn't believe him. Even her optimism didn't allow her to imagine that Omkara's mother would have agreed let alone his whole family. She was pleasantly surprised when the same afternoon she received a call from Omkara's sister, who sounded nothing but happy for her brother's new found love.

"Mumma's involvement will be...emm...sparse. But, don't worry, she loves him. She will come around."

Gauri surely will not hold against his family if they want to be protective about him. She was ready to face all the scrutiny that is going to come his way. She has developed a tough skin against it long ago. Now, at least she won't be alone in anything. She will always have Omkara to watch her back.

After things with Omkara's family settled, came the toughest part. How do they reveal such heavy things to a six year old without confusing him or worse... scaring him?

"He is a brilliant boy. He will understand. Don't worry." Omkara has said. But, how can Gauri not worry? She is a mother after all.

The pressure of imagining all possible outcomes from Omkara's side of the family kept her occupied all these days giving her time to blissfully ignore confronting her own family, her son. Now, that he was the only person left to give his accent for the biggest journey Omkara and Gauri were willing to take up together, Gauri was mildly panicking.

"I don't know how to tell him. Will he think I was selfish to choose a life for myself?"

"Gauri, stop over thinking all this. He is just a kid. He wouldn't know to twist truth like some grownups do. He will see it for what it is, that we love each other and want to spend the rest of our lives together."

"But, it is going to change his life as much as ours."

"Yes, and I promise that this change will be for good. Let us make him understand it. Let us make him experience it. He will come to love the life the three of us will build together."

Omkara was more optimistic about all this than Gauri had ever thought he was capable of. It was as if one crack in the high wall he built around him allowed gallons of virtues his previous self harboured to swim around. More than once Gauri was awed by the calmness of this new Omkara and each time found herself fall in love with him little more.

Love knocks again (RiKara Fan Fiction) : CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now